Kilminchy, Portlaoise.


Normal Bloke

What is it like to live in does it take long to commute too Mon/Fri peek times ?
What is it like to live in does it take long to commute too Mon/Fri peek times ?
Kilminchy is a nice enough estate. It is quiet big, but lots of green areas too, and a really nice pub called O Gormans,they have music on most weekends, they also do fantastic food and they show all the football matches Soccer/GAA. I lived in Rathevan which is close by for 1 year, but the travelling back and forth to Dublin everyday became too much. It takes exactly 40mins to City West and after that it depends on how heavy the traffic is as you go towards Newlands Cross... there are some nice pubs in the town, Sally Gardens, Delaneys, and plenty more..
Its a pretty bad choice of estate, the managment company are having big problems collecting money, as a result the estate is falling into a bit of a mess, house prices have been greatly effected.

It maybe the case that this situation may change in the future, but as it stands it has been going on for over a year now.

I have been living in Kilminchy for the last 2 years, have also got my house valued in the last months and was pleasently suprised with the value given to me, so I do not necessarily agree that house prices have been affected by the litter problem. Yes there is a bit of an issue with the mgmt company and litter throughout the estate, there has been a few rumours going around that the mgmt company is not really legit???

I drive up to newlands cross every day, journey is about 50 mins to the lights (I leave kilminchy at 6.20)

All in all Kilminchy is a nice estate, good facilities and good pub, indian is also good there
I have been living in Kilminchy for the last 2 years, have also got my house valued in the last months and was pleasently suprised with the value given to me, so I do not necessarily agree that house prices have been affected by the litter problem. Yes there is a bit of an issue with the mgmt company and litter throughout the estate, there has been a few rumours going around that the mgmt company is not really legit???

I drive up to newlands cross every day, journey is about 50 mins to the lights (I leave kilminchy at 6.20)

All in all Kilminchy is a nice estate, good facilities and good pub, indian is also good there

Valuation is one thing what you get for the house is another. The main reason for the management company not doing a good job is the fact, a low precentage of people have paid, very little funds to carry out works. Have you paid your fees, it was noted recently in a conversation I had with a local of Portlaoise, that the management company are taking legal action against owners that have not paid, and the residents are considering legal action against the management company for failure to proform. It may all get worst before it gets better.

We are going to be moving into a growth season very soon, so it wont be long before you, the owners and all the potential buyers will know if the management company got paid.

Bye the way this is not only an issue with Kilminchy in Portlaoise but with some other developments also.

All in all Kilminchy is a nice estate, good facilities and good pub, indian is also good there

went to go in there (indian) for a take away a few weeks ago and saw a dead rat in the grass outside....promptly turned around and legged it - - 2 weeks later rat was still there....
pub, shops and chipper is great though and it seems a nice enough spot

In terms of the commute, I do it once or twice a week - aceess to the motorway is great, I leave at 6:30 and am in naas for 7:05 afterwhich I head to dunlaoighre via Old bawn / firhouse, and am sitting at my desk for 8:30 - - - to be honest though, I couldnt see myself doing it every day.
Thinking of moving to Portloaise worki n Dublin what is the transport like as i see there is a few new esyates going up in Portloise
jcbullet2002, where in Dublin do you work?

While there's a fairly regular train service from Portlaoise to Dublin, it leaves you in Heuston in an hour, but getting from there to other parts of the city at peak times can take as long again.
I moved into Kilminchy last November and had been going on the train since and I must say its not too bad.I usually get the 7.11am train and I m in heuston by latest 8.30am. I found the estate so far so good, though I am not usually around much to talk about the facilities but I found it peaceful and a good environment to raise kids.