Repair car before I sell or not?


Registered User

I'm selling a car but it needs a repair job "noisy bearing in gearbox" and was quoted €650 to get it fixed.:eek:
I just bought my new car privately at the weekend so couldnt get a tragde in.
I now want to sell my 03 seat ibiza. Someone told me I was crazy to put money into a car before I sell it but I think that if anyone came to view it they'd walk away as soon as they sat in.
I see similar cars for sale on cbg for about €6k plus, (45k miles) was thinking that I could get the job done and sell the car for €5.5k or not get the job done and sell it for €4.5k.
Would really appreciate your opinions as its sitting outside my house at the mo and I cant wait to sell it (also to pay some money off my loan).
Thanks a million.
That was my gut instinct alright, will probably help me get a better price too.
Are you selling privately or trading in. If trading in don't bother if selling privately then fix.
Agreed - unless you cut the price of the car severely, its a bad vibe to tell potential buyers that there's a serious fault on the car 'but otherwise it's perfect' - won't really wash.

No one wants to take on anyone else's problem unless they are getting a serious bargain and are willing/able to sort it out themselves.
Yes I agree, I feel better now to be honest. I will get the job done and then sell the car legitimately. Would feel like a bit of a gangster selling it with that job required. Selling it privately. I dont know whether €650 sounds reasonable or not to repair that job. Anyone heard of that problem before or know if it is a biggie?

Someone told me I was crazy to put money into a car before I sell it but I think that if anyone came to view it they'd walk away as soon as they sat in.

Get the car fixed and be upfront with any potential buyer as to what you got done. It's a trust issue. Ask yourself how would you like if you were sold a dud privately with no warranty or guarantee offered? Do the right thing.
Yes you're definitely right. Even though people were saying there was no need to fix it, it just didnt sit right with me. It would be completely wasting peoples time.
I'm going to book the car in, get it fixed and maybe even get a good price for it. Cheers.