VAT repayment situation?


Registered User
Usually I pay VAT as normal and the revenue take payment by RDI on a specified date,
or there abouts.

If I have a repay situation, say VAT paid up front for hire purchase on new company vehicle
and the reveune owe me a sum at next return, can I expect that the lodgement will be on that
date the same as my outgoing payment would usually be, or do they take their time when the
coin is flipped?
I am always in a repayment situation and I file mine on line and I normally get the payment within a couple of days.
If your not normally in a repayment situation you might want to send in a copy of the invoice to show payment as they may query it and that would save a bit of time.
I usually get re-paid within 3 or 4 working days from the due date.
I file online (may make it quicker)

If this is the first repayment situation in a while, certainly include a copy of the invoice and possibly a covering letter with the submission. They are usually very swift with the repayments, but if there is a query it will be held up
If this is the first repayment situation in a while, certainly include a copy of the invoice and possibly a covering letter with the submission.

Don't bother, as this is pointless. The Collector General's VAT processing unit in Limerick cannot handle covering letters etc attached to returns. These will end up in the bin.
Usually I pay VAT as normal and the revenue take payment by RDI on a specified date,

If this is the first repayment situation in a while, certainly include a copy of the invoice and possibly a covering letter with the submission. They are usually very swift with the repayments, but if there is a query it will be held up

Don't bother, as this is pointless. The Collector General's VAT processing unit in Limerick cannot handle covering letters etc attached to returns. These will end up in the bin.

As OP is paying by RDI one might assume that the VAT3 is being filed on ROS. There would be no attachments. Unless the claim is large, by which I would mean over €3,000 worth of VAT it will probably be passed anyway. If it's going to be checked the CG will refer to the local district for either desk or field audit. If any explanation were to be submitted in advance, I'd do so to the local district not the CG, where it would remain on the taxpayers file and be seen by the local office when the case is referred to them. That might speed up the process, or not, depending on the view of the case officer.
The value would be more than likely be the 3500-4500 mark. I'm buying a commercial on HP and it's the VAT on that.

So it probably wouldn't hurt to explain to local office then, just in case.
I'm not sure where my local office is, so I'll have to find that out.