Charlesland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow


Registered User
The wife wants to move to Greystones. We love the general area. We were looking at a couple of places. We like a house in Charlesland, but the whole estate seems very crammed compared to other areas of Greystones. The big attraction is the houses in Charlesland seem to be much cheaper than any other similar houses in the Greystones area. But i just worry that the place is too highly populated for that small town feel we are after.
Has anyone here any views on the Charlseland estate?
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

These previous threads would appear to have a mention of Charlesland.

is a thread also on
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

Looked at those sites. you're right about
Boards seems much better.
My wife grew up in Newcastle, co wicklow so remembers Greystones as it used to be. Small sleepy little town. Looks like its changed but there are still areas where you will get that small town feel though.

Though that news about more houses and a shopping center at Charlsland on has definitly eliminated Charlseland from our plans.

Thanks all for the help
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

Is Charlesland a long walk from Greysones DART?
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

if you conside 35 a few then it is only a few minutes. There is a feeder bus to and from the dart.
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

Have lived there for 2 years and love it - mixed opinion about the shopping centre/marina, but overall will probably be a good thing for the area.
Price wise its a buyers market there at the mo - lots of houses for sale but few if any shifting thanks to some totally unrealistic pricing.
Locationwise its a 25 minute walk to the village and there is a shuttle bus to and from the dart laid on by the magement company.
Amenity wise everything you need/want is a few minutes away.

Place is not perfect, but comes close..
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

Curious, did you hear George Hook today on apartments and Leases. It was very good. Which reminds me of this post, an estate and the green area. One important question would be, who maintains the green area. Is it a management company and so on. Check if the house is in a estate & that it is Freehold. Special emphasis on the garden. Who does what? Who pays for what. Shops is another important thing, for emergencies, for children If no shop is within walking distance I'd leave it. Petrol costs etc.
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

Buyer beware is familiar term.
Charlesland is known by the locals as "Ballymun beside the sea'.
You are dead right to be uncertain. Has density of inner city- real cheek by jowl living. Gardens, if available ,barely able to swing a cat let alone a child.It is a souless, grey,dull ,bland boring nightmare. This developement shows what developers really care about - simply cramming more people into the smallest space possible at the most inflated prices.Wicklow council have missed the greatest opportunity to integrate sympathetically new developements and landed us with this dreadful eyesore.

Much better to go for a smaller older estate, perhaps no bathroom en suite etc, but better construction;especially where noise levels are concerned -re timber built terrace or semi d's /pod apartments in Charlesland. You can hear your neighbours 24hrs a day, whether you want to or not!
Maturer estates usually have more character, better gardens and more of a community feel about them. Ignore the inflated prices many of the estate agents and unrealistic sellers are quoting..........just put in your offer and bid your time. You might have to do abit of DIY but it will be worth it. Best of luck.
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

I'm from the area and live in Kilcoole now, and I must say that I certainly don't think that Charlesland is a dreadful eyesore. OK, like most other places, it could have been done better, but it could be an awful lot worse, and a lot of people I know living there are very happy with it.

The estate I'm in is lovely, great neighbours, great gardens, about 35 years old, but the houses are poorly built and you can hear the neghbours having their dinner next door! So older, maturer does not necessarily mean better.
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

and a lot of people I know living there are very happy with it.

It's very hard to get people, who have paid over the odds in 2005-2006, and taken out 100% mortgages, to admit that they were wrong. They all scream from the rooftops that they are "very happy" with their decision. I don't always believe them....
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

It's very hard to get people, who have paid over the odds in 2005-2006, and taken out 100% mortgages, to admit that they were wrong. They all scream from the rooftops that they are "very happy" with their decision. I don't always believe them....

I bought here and am very happy with it and I have no issues admitting when I am wrong. it is a large estate alright but it is in a cracking village that manages to maintain its village atmosphere, has a nice community and everything on its doorstep. Charlelsand also has a nice mix of residents in that you have a lot of newly-weds/new families and also a good lot of people who have traded down. I'd sing its praises
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

- lots of houses for sale but few if any shifting thanks to some totally unrealistic pricing.

If I was thinking of buying here id like to know firstly why so many are getting out
Re: Charlseland - Greystones, Co. Wicklow

- lots of houses for sale but few if any shifting thanks to some totally unrealistic pricing.

If I was thinking of buying here id like to know firstly why so many are getting out

Its not so much a case of people getting out, more of investors getting out. Also, people trading up.
I have never in my life heard of Charlesland being called Ballymun by the sea, I'm from bray and rent in Delgany at the moment. Charlesland is very big but I know alot of people living there and all are perfectly happy. Nice houses with nice neighbours. Future development with marina and charlesland will mean the whole town will be huge not just charlesland.