Expedia.com - CC page: no line item in the drop down menu for Ireland.


Registered User
I've been booking a number of flights on expedia.com, which is a good site and has v good prices.

I specifically use expedia.com, not expedia.co.uk because the prices are better, even if you discount the weakness of the US dollar.

My issue is that, when you get to the credit card page and enter in your address, there is no line item in the drop down menu for Ireland. I've mentioned this to them each time I talk to them (you can book directly by telephone to a US number, which rather defeats the purpose of having web booking in my case) and have emailed them, to which I have received a number of replies. I have not gotten much specific detail from them on why Ireland is not listed and have been told a variety of things, such as "there are regulatory requirements" and "local tourist laws prevent us from listing all countries" and "it's never been listed before".

I have emailed about five times, each time trying to get specific information on e.g. what "laws" mean that Ireland cannot be listed and all other countries in the world are.

Their latest reply is to tell me to use the UK as the country and insert "Ireland" as the "county" or "province". Obviously, I'm reluctant to do this. They are aware that Ireland is not part of the UK.

They have been perfectly polite and responsive, but I feel that there is no way I can change their minds and have them actually address their minds to why Ireland is not listed - I firmly believe it's an error, not a deliberate omission.

I wanted to post this here to raise it as a general issue in the hope that someone would have an idea about how I can move this forward past what is developing into a fairly futile email exchange - needless to say, I'll write a letter as well:)

Any bright ideas out there?

Re: Expedia.com - No Ireland on List

If they wanted to do business in Ireland they would have to pay a bond, in case they go bust.... they don't want to pay bond , so don't do Irish bookings...
Re: Expedia.com - No Ireland on List

Is it only Ireland where they have to pay a bond though? Doesn't the UK also have the same system to protect consumers against tourist agencies going out of business?

Thanks for the reply - I'll suggest it to them to see if that's really the reason.
Re: Expedia.com - No Ireland on List

Is it only Ireland where they have to pay a bond though? Doesn't the UK also have the same system to protect consumers against tourist agencies going out of business?

Thanks for the reply - I'll suggest it to them to see if that's really the reason.

I presume the size of the UK market makes it worth their while , but the Irish does not... that's only a guess though....
Re: Expedia.com - No Ireland on List

my sister who works for expedia in london has informed me that they intend to start a irish site.
As a regular contributor to Tripadvisor part of Expedia I now feel annoyed that they are happy to list Ireland and Irish Hotels and promote their discussion forums on Ireland while at the same time not recognise Ireland in other ways. I am happy to take up the cause.
Hi WaterSprite,

Can you still book the flights over the phone if you are flying from Dublin and paying with a credit card with an Irish address?
I heard about this issue on The Last Word a few month ago.

[broken link removed]

"Expedia Incorporated does not have a licence to trade in the Republic at present. It has entered into a process but until a licence is issued the company cannot advertise here"
used expedia last year and had to give a norn iron address for the tickets. took the cc details though. afaik the guy presently in charge of expedia uk is Irish.
Hi Dinging - sorry for the delay on replying - must set up an RSS on my mails. Yes, you can still book the flights over the phone with an Irish CC address. It's just you can't choose "Ireland" in the CC drop down menu on the web. Although I didn't follow it up (again) with Expedia, I think I'll take another crack at it. This problem is only with expedia.com, not expedia.uk so them setting up an Irish site won't solve my problem. I also don't buy the fact that they don't have a "license" here as any excuse - if they can take my money by phone, they can bloody well do it over the internet.

So as it stands, I'm still living in Dublin, UK - argh!

Hi WaterSprite,

Can you still book the flights over the phone if you are flying from Dublin and paying with a credit card with an Irish address?
I booked Delta flights on Expedia.com a couple of months ago.

When it came to the CC, drop down issue, I phoned Expedia and was
advised to select UK from drop down. I explained Ireland was
not part of UK (without giving the poor girl a history lesson :D) etc
but Expedia rep said this was fine, given tickets are E-tickets and
not snail mailed anyhow.

Tickets were purchased and price came off my CC.

So far so good ... although it did strike me as very strange ...
Yep - it can be done over Expedia.com by using the "UK" line item in the drop down. My gripe is that it's not really for Expedia to say that it's "fine" for Ireland to be considered part of the UK. Grrrrr.....

Have used Expedia a few times, never had any problems, even when using UK as location, tickets always arrived promptly and no mess. Expedia now have expedia.ie though I haven't tried this one yet.