Back injury from car accident


Registered User
I was in a small car accident the other day - I got rear ended. Not a huge amount of damage, it can be fixed easily enough I'd say. I'd guess that the guy was doing about 20mph when he hit me. I was obviously pretty shaken up but otherwise fine at the time. However later my back started to get sore, but I thought it might just be temporary. Today in work it is noticibly uncomfortable. I have arranged a doctors appointment for tomorrow to get it checked out.

I don't think I have full-on whiplash, but perhaps my muscles got a bit of a stretch in the shunt. I'm not going to claim for damages unnessarily, but if not, can I get his insurance company to pay for some sort of physio or chiropracter etc? Or will i have to go through the normal procedures of a personal injury claim?

Advice appreciated - thanks
Re: Back injury from car accidnet

same thing happened a friend of mine recently - his insurance company should cover your medical costs. My friend was told that claim could only be made after all medical treatments were finished (i.e., if you needed some weeks of physio you get the money back afterwards). In her case it amounted to 2 GP visits, an x-ray and some prescription stuff. She had to send in receipts and accept what was offered (some money included for inconvenience, missing work for a couple of days plus cost of car repair) as a full and final payment.
Re: Back injury from car accidnet

Thanks. What is the general treatment for back pain? Accupuncture would be thought of as "Alternative" but would physio be the standard. What are other options?
Appointment arranged with GP tomorrow - but I'm just wondering what is generally recommended by people as treatment for this type of injury?
well it would all depend on whats injured, could be any one of a number of treatments depending on what is causing you the pain. Your GP will know.
I'd contact his insurer' and explain to them that you are seeking medical advice as a result of the accident - just so they keep a note of a possible claim in the future.
Anti-inflammatory medication / muscle relaxants / painkillers maybe? Depends on how bad your injuries are. Also physio.
Re: Back injury from car accidnet

She had to send in receipts and accept what was offered (some money included for inconvenience, missing work for a couple of days plus cost of car repair) as a full and final payment.

I would be very wary of signing off on anything as a full and final payment without getting legal advice. Particularly in relation to back pain where there can be continuous problems.