chimney cleaning


Registered User
Just wondering, has anybody used the chimney bricks?. Basically these are similar to a firelog, you put them into the fire when it is dying out and they will burn for about three hours cleaning the chimney. Costs about €30 to buy and seems like a good idea but i'm just wondering am I better to just get a chimney cleaner in i.e do they do a good job?
Not sure where you are based but where I am, a chimney cleaner doesn't cost much more - around €45 I think?
Not sure where you are based but where I am, a chimney cleaner doesn't cost much more - around €45 I think?

to be honest it's not the money I just thought it would be a hassle free way to do it! - I have something on every evening for the next week and working during the day so it seems like a good solution for me - if it works of course!;)
would love to see how they work, does the soot just vanish in to the air??

Seems to be a chemical reaction - but all research indicates that it doesn't take the place of mechanical cleaning so probably better to get sweep out anyway?
If it were me, I'd go for the old-fashioned chimney sweeping. I would just be worrying all the time whether the brick really did the job. How do you find out? Try and start a chimney fire?!? :D