do I need a "construction drawing"?


Registered User

We have planning permission and naturally there were a set of house drawings submitted as part of the planning application. I am now looking for quotes from builders and had copied these plans but I was told by someone that I should have construction drawings before seeking quotations. When I got back to the engineer who designed our house I was told that construction drawings would cost me another €1300 +vat. Can someone tell me what exactly is included in construction drawings, do I actually need them and does that price seem reasonable?
My architect is drawing up detailed plans and a list of specificiations specifically for seeking quotations. He quoted me €500 which I think is a fair price.
Construction drawings gow into specific details of the building and finishes internally and out which are not required for planning. I dont think I would be wrong in saying that the majority of one off houses will still be built on the back of planning drawings which a negociated specification.
I suggest you do get construction drawings -

1. It will be very difficult to comply with the requirement for a BER assessment without a fully worked out specification of materials, measurements of the house, boiler etc.
(I assume you haven't got one yet?)

2. It is quite likely you'll get widely varying prices off builders as they interpret and fill in what's missing from your Planning drawings, include some "fat" in case they are wrong, and give you a price. The certainty of construction drawings will reduce these costs.
Having just gone through a self build, construction drawings are very important, if anything goes wrong, you can point to the plans and then point the finger and say " them is the plans , sort it" Otherwise people can make up the rules as they go along and then ...............

But €1300 plus VAt is far too high. My plans to include 6 planning copies and 6 construction copies and a set on cd for autocad all cost €450 plus vat.

I can't understand how you could contemplate sending out for quotes without proper construction drawings. Regarding price - Have you selected your design and materials, if you have a detailed spec then maybe 1300 is high, but if you expect the engineer to do the spec for you, you are looking for more than just construction drawings.
Thanks to those who replied. Is it fair to say that the 'construction drawings' are really more of a bill of materials than some necessary structural design drawing? In particular I ask this because of kkellihers response that the majority of one-off houses dont have these drawings but just rely on house drawings plus negotiated spec.
Thanks to those who replied. Is it fair to say that the 'construction drawings' are really more of a bill of materials than some necessary structural design drawing? In particular I ask this because of kkellihers response that the majority of one-off houses dont have these drawings but just rely on house drawings plus negotiated spec.

no, planning drawings are no more than 'design'..... the forethough into structure and construction is minimal in them... proper construction drawings should be prepared for every dwelling, especially these days, because of compliacted building regulations to be met.

Can i ask you, did your engineer not make it clear to you that the initial drawings were planning drawings and were not for construction?
What would be in construction drawings that are not in planning drawings ?
What would be in construction drawings that are not in planning drawings ?

Planning drawings are generally simple design drawings. they usually show no construction.. ie the walls are usually only two lines. The majority of brainwork that goes into Planning drawings is design orientated.

Construction drawings are generated from planning drawings. The particular construction method is applied and all the relevant ancillary details, ie drainage, electrics, heating, structural work, door window details, etc etc are applied.

For example a designer for planning doesnt need to know whether the house is being built by 310 cavity method, timber frame, Insulated concrete form work, poroton block etc etc.... but when the constrution drawings are being prepared, they obviously do need to know this information....