
I was the victim of ATM fraud on Friday Nov 23rd, I did not notice anything unusual about the ATM in Tallaght but I believe others were also scammed that night, BOI have been very good about it and have assured me that I will get my money back..

Steps I could have taken, (but did not)
1. only keep small amounts in your ATM account
2. Avoid ATMs in public spaces, get cash back with purchases
3. Keep an eye on your account online
4. look closely at an ATM before use, try pulling at the card slot to see if it is loosely attached

Steps Banks could take..
1. Better ATM design
2. E-Mail or Text a user every time cash is taken out of their account
allow users to change their preferences online to set a lower maximum, or allow only a set amount(say €100) to be widthdrawn, specify card retention by ATM if other amount is requested

I have a HP laser printer that e-mails me when it is out of toner. why cant my bank account tell me when it is giving out my money?

poorer but wiser
If you cover the key pad with you hand or wallet you should not have any problem.

Not necessarily true, I've heard of cases where they replace the whole front so even if you cover the keypad with your hand their skimming machine is still taking a note of it.

2. E-Mail or Text a user every time cash is taken out of their account
allow users to change their preferences online to set a lower maximum, or allow only a set amount(say €100) to be widthdrawn, specify card retention by ATM if other amount is requested

I Like this idea !
I heard about this memory thing alright. As far as I'm concerend once I take reasonable precautions I'm not going to worry too much about it.

I'd hate if I was getting an email every time I used the ATM but I check my online account almost everyday.

Only having so much in you account is a good idea alright but thats only if you have a lot in it in the fist place. I know I'd like a lot more in mine.
I'd hate if I was getting an email every time I used the ATM but I check my online account almost everyday.

Only having so much in you account is a good idea alright but thats only if you have a lot in it in the fist place. I know I'd like a lot more in mine.

I check my online account almost every day,,I still got scammed

1) You would only get e-mail or texts if you requested..if you like surprises dont use it
2) People with lots of money in their account might use ATMs every day, I would use it once or twice a week