Question re driveway and kerb


Registered User

I am buying a house on the footpath outside there is no slope to the road ie. its at kerb height. The agent said I could get the council to fix it. Has anyone any experience/views on this.

can you describe your issue in more detail?
The kerb outside his house that gives access to his driveway is not dished, or am I missing something?

I thought the OP was fairly explanatory.
Was this a new build on a site where there was previously no house?

We widened our gateway so the old footpath opening and kerb slope is narrower than our new gateway. Its our responsibility as condition of planning permission to contact the council and have them come and make the changes to the footpath and kerb. I think it costs about €250. If I was buying a new house I'd expect this to be done by previous owners though.