Taxi cost in Rome


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My niece has booked a break in Rome for four of us for next month.

I searched the site and have found out the cost of the shuttle from Ciampino to the main station but now would like some clue as to cost of taxi from the staion to a hotel near Vatican City.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks sueellen for that website - I must persuade Mrs K to open her purse!

Thanks also to you macnas.
Taxi willcost you approx: 100 euro for the 16km from Ciampino to vatican. Hop on the terravsion bus outside the airport. It wil cost you a fraction of this for a return ticket( about 18 euro return, 9 euro one way each). It takes you direct to Termini train/subway staion. The subway to Ottiaviano station will cost you 2 euro.

Do not get a taxi, you will be ripped off.
a lot of hotels offer to collect you for around 55 euro, i've booked for january and a few of the hotels i looked at booking all had the offer
My niece has booked a break in Rome for four of us for next month.

I searched the site and have found out the cost of the shuttle from Ciampino to the main station but now would like some clue as to cost of taxi from the staion to a hotel near Vatican City.

Any help would be appreciated.


Taxi from station to vatican should be in region of 10 - 15 euro however the metro runs from the main station to a place called Ottaviano which is right beside the Vatican. I think its only a euro. In addition if the plane is landing in Ciampino late i would very nuch recommend a taxi. Hotel will organise one for 50 to 60 euro to the city centre
Was in Rome last month and flew to Ciampino also. We were charged €70 to get from the airport to our apartment very close to the Vatican. We found out afterwards that we'd been ripped off. There is a standard charge from Ciampino to Rome of €30 which is what the taxi back to the airport cost us. There are also signs at the taxi rnak at the airport regarding this €30 charge. Be warned because the taxis will try get away with overcharging if they can.
Goint to Rome in May ( long way off I know) haven't booked hotel yet. Ryanair to Ciampino. Thinking of useing that ATS service as the flights are both at reasonable times. Anyone else use this transfer service?
Yeah to add to previous posts be careful in Italy they fleece you for everything one taxi in Florence charged us €20 to go around a corner (less than a mile) I was raging! :mad: Unfortunately I had no change so had to pay him otherwise would never have given it to him. Maybe I shouldnt have let it go so easily but was so tired being ripped off there (in Rome, Florence and Venice to be exact) I couldnt give out anymore and I am very much a pacifist and renowned for not getting mad. I also swore I would never go back to that God forsaken country ever again after my experience (which also involved being called an Irish c*nt) on the street after i wouldnt buy something the crooks tried to intimidate me into buying (that was in Rome near the Spanish steps).

I dont want to make you feel negatively about your holiday but be very aware of the rip offs particularly taxi drivers there.
Lot of rip of merchants overthere, whist queueing to get on opentop bus in searing heat i ordered 3 regular cones off a street vendor. €21, i was so in shock i gave it to him too, spent whole sightseeing experiemnce on bus seething about the f$%ker.
been to Rome twice, Venice twice and Milan once and we've never been ripped off. Just use the head and you'll be fine.
We booked the Taxi through our hotel, as in they sent the taxi to collect us and it only cost €20-00. Don't pick up taxi outside train stations - at one stage they tried to charge us €40-00 - which we walked in 15 minutes!
Hi Mopsi can you tell me what hotel you stayed in we are going for 3 days in december and I wont travel on the underground so I need to bus or taxi it
Just back from the Rome trip; there is now a fixed cost of 30 euro from Ciampino to anywhere within the Aurelian walls of the city - which included our hotel.
Stayed at the Grand Olympic two blocks from Vatican on Via Cola di Rienzo.

Great food at a trattoria on Via Fosse di Castello just off the bottom end of the Via della Conciliazione which runs down from St Peter's towards the river.

Essential to book, as at 8.00 pm on Saturday people were queing out of the door. Similar situation on Sunday night.

Cost was 62 euro for 3 course meals for 3 people, litre of the house red and bottle of water.
Italy is my favourite country been many times and honeymooned there. Lots of Italian friends as well. However, I have to add my voice to frustrations with Roman taxi drivers especially those on the airport route. More like licenced bandits!
We stayed in the Savoy Hotel - which is old style but ideally located of the Via Veneto. We booked through Arrow Tours and got a good deal but I am sure you can contact them directly. It is a lovely area and as Rome is very compact you can walk everywhere, unlike Paris, where the Metro is a must - well a much bigger city but too spread out for my liking! We only took taxi when going to coming from airport. However, you can get a train (overground) from the Airport which brings you into the centre, but don't get a taxi from the train station as it is a rip off and the area around the train station is not great! What you could do is walk towards the area you wish to stay in and hail a taxi but no problem about the train in from the airport if you wish. Failing that, you can haggle at the airport with the taxi or contact the hotel beforehand as they have a car service in and out of the airport. Good luck!

Hi Mopsi can you tell me what hotel you stayed in we are going for 3 days in december and I wont travel on the underground so I need to bus or taxi it
Thanks Mopsi I was looking at the Savoy hotel and was wondering if it was a little far out but you have put my mind at rest I will take your advice and go ahead and book.