Veterinary records - Release of:


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I had my pets with a certain vet who I have changed from as I was unhappy with the quality of diagnosis provided and their attitude during times when one of my dogs was seriously ill.

I have now rang them requesting their records of my pets to be released to me. The receptionist said that they may not give them to me but only to another vet.

I want to have these records myself but I also want to have ammo if they ring back and say that I can't have them.

What are my rights relating to this ?
Where does Freedom Of Information & the Data Protection Act (or any other law) come in to this?

Surely as I am the owner, then I have the right to have their records provided to ME ?

Thanks in advance

The receptionist said that they may not give them to me but only to another vet.
Surely as I am the owner, then I have the right to have their records provided to ME ?
What would be the point in having the records yourself. Unless you have veterinary medical knowledge, the records will not make sense to you and will only be able to be interpreted by another qualified vet! Go to another vet, where you're file will be transfered to them and let them be professionally analysed. I guarantee you the file will be of no use to you unless you understand medical terminology, shorthand,blood results and can read x rays (if applicable)..most likely not!It will also prevent "self diagnosing" off the internet, which generally is not a good idea either!
You didn't answer my question.

Am I entitled to the records or not ?

I am already with another vet and 'self diagnosing' is not what I want the records for. I want them so I can have a copy.

Am I legally entitled to them or not ?
Sorry i didnt answer your question! Yes i think legally you are entitled to a copy of your records, but id contact the Veterinary Council of Ireland to make sure!
I'm pretty sure you are not entitled to these records. Humans and their records are one things, pets are another. I don't think our legislators have gone to the trouble of drafting legislation covering personal data regarding to animals.

If your ultimate aim is to get the records (as it appears to be) then the shortest and easiest route is to ask your new vet to request them from the old vet and make clear at the time that you want a copy of the records.

However, as above, unless vets write everything out in long hand (unlikely) then you will be reading things like "obs 30/40 prev 33/90 sub 32ml" and so on. Even if it is in long hand you will be spending a lot of time on the web trying to work out what they are saying.

Ok i checked..yes you are definitely entitled to a copy of your pets records!
Erm, unless I'm missing something that link you provided talks about peoples right of access to information relating to themselves, not about information relating to their pets.

For example, if the VCI has a record of a Mr Zag which says he was late paying his bills (for example) and I find out about it and want them to correct it, then I can request a copy of the record and also request that they correct the information assuming that it is incorrect.

It doesn't seem to apply to the records covering Zuppy held by a vet who is a member of the VCI. It would cover the vets records of me (as an account holder, bill payer, pet owner), but not to the animals records as far as I am aware.

Can you point out the section in the VCI guideline that says it covers animal records ?

The link was more of a reference to the Council and its contact no. etc..i wasnt too sure what the freedom of info act was saying! I checked with a vet in person and they clarified that yes you are 100% entitled to a copy of your pets records!