Credit card refusal



i have recently applied for a credit card as i was looking for a better deal and was interested by an offer which was being advertised. on applying i was refused, i dont have a bad credit history, no loans or even a large credit card balance. i phoned the company for an explanation but they said they couldnt tell me an advised me to contact the ICB and get my credit report. has anyone experienced similiar?
How do you get an ICB report? Is there a fee to get the report? How long does it take to obtain it?
It might not be anything monetary, moving address too often can have a signifacant negative effect on your credit rating
Yes, apparently the worst one is having no land line phone. It is an automatic refusal for some lenders.
Yes, apparently the worst one is having no land line phone. It is an automatic refusal for some lenders.

Never heard of that one....
I have go loans ,(and 2 credit cards) for years with out a land line.
Are you basing this on anything concrete or just hear say?
With landlines on the way out I find it hard to believe this could affect your credit rating
I have sight of a Data proctection act disclosure from an Irish lender where the credit score was affected by a mobile only number being given.
If i had that & it refered to me I would be taking action against them..
Whether you have a landline or not in no way affects your rating from the ICB
I'd say he's referring to an internal credit rating. The ICB don't give you a credit rating, only a credit history.
I have never heard of this either....
I have friends who move every couple of years
They have four mortgages.. I think people are getting carried away with this.
The OP was about being refused a credit card. I doubt any of the above were the reason
Like most efforts businesses make to reduce fraud, it's completely ineffectual and is more likely to refuse the business of honest people than prevent fraudsters getting past it.