How many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb?


Registered User
thought we'd got away from all this type of stuff
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how does it require an electrician to change a lightbulb, and why are they acting in direct opposition to a labour court recommendation?
People should look to this kind of rubbish as well as to political incompetence when giving out about the health system. Stuff like this is rife in the public sector.

I wonder will the electricians still get their benchmarking :rolleyes:

Oh, and as an aside, why on earth does the HSE even employ electricians directly? Surely this is the kind of thing that could / should be outsourced?
Heard both sides argue their case on Newstalk. Apparently this disagreement over lightbulbs has been going on for 18 months. Its an absolute farce, this kind of bureacracy sickens me, its such a waste of money.
It must be great to be unionised...

"You can't touch me, I'm part of a union.....till the day I die"
Should we not also be getting electricians in to turn on and off the lights as well? the TEEU slipped up on that one.
How many elecricians.............?

Well, if it's a screw fitting bulb, and the electrician's from Cork - only one.

He just holds up the bulb & the world revolves around him.

(allegedly ;) )
I always feel that one cause of health sector problems is the trade unions.

Not lack of money.

But trade union practices.

By that, I include the consultant's union.
thought we'd got away from all this type of stuff
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how does it require an electrician to change a lightbulb, and why are they acting in direct opposition to a labour court recommendation?
Depends on where the bulb is. If it's in an Operating room it must be done right.
I always feel that one cause of health sector problems is the trade unions.

Not lack of money.

But trade union practices.

By that, I include the consultant's union.
I agree but don't say a bad word about nurses or doctors, you'll be ripped appart!
Depends on where the bulb is. If it's in an Operating room it must be done right.
OK, so show a janitor how to do it, it's no big deal. The rest of the light bulbs, say in a desk lamp; what about them? Should an electrician be called out in the middle of the night to change that light bulb or are there better things to spend two or three hundred euro on?
Depends on where the bulb is. If it's in an Operating room it must be done right.
Is this actually the case? Why exactly does replacing an operating theatre bulb require more expertise than any other lightbulb? Just curious.
Purple said:
say in a desk lamp; what about them? Should an electrician be called out in the middle of the night to change that light bulb or are there better things to spend two or three hundred euro on?
I agree that would be rediculous that an electrician is required to change a bulb in a desk lamp.
Is this actually the case? Why exactly does replacing an operating theatre bulb require more expertise than any other lightbulb? Just curious.
I know, it probably doesn't on second thought.
I don't know what the "actual" case is. But it's rather an assumption/theory of mine that if a bulb blew during an operation (probably very unlikely) and a qualified person put it in, there would be a much lesser chance of a court case for compensation being filed/won against the hospital.
It was just a quick thought of mine.
Per the Labour Court recommendation the dispute concerns the following....
"As part of work reorganisation the hospital authorities directed that small non essential electric light bulbs could be replaced as required by non electrician staff. The Union objected, maintaining that this was electricians work and should remain so. Management contended that this would add considerably to the HSE costs as it would require an electrician to attend on overtime to change a bulb in a bedside lamp for example.

Management acknowledged that some bulb replacement in certain specified areas, would need to be carried out by electricians.

The Union are not prepared to consider any changing of any bulbs by non electricians. On the basis of the refusal of the Union the HSE has withheld payment outstanding under the parallel benchmarking agreement."
These union staff sound very petty, like teenage girls squabbling.

Why do they fear change?

I am in SIPTU, and support trade unions, but not this sort of behaviour.