BOI online site down?


Registered User
Hi all,
apologies if this is the wrong forum- ( i am new here) -- can anyone confirm if the BOI online site is down? Surely it should still be active on bank holidays?
Every time I give in my details, it tells me that they are incorrect, but they are not!

Has anyone else had problems with it today?

I also rang banking 365 and they tell me to ring back after the bank holiday but all i want is to know my account balance -- is that not automated?


I have been in on the site a few times in the last hour... just checked it now and it seems to be fine
Logged in fine just now to 365 Online. Might be a temporary glitch on their end or your ISP perhaps?
Thanks for the replies. It still tells me my authentication details are incorrect, but I have used this service for years and know all numbers etc. off by heart. Have no idea why they are showing up as incorrect.. only used it this week and it was fine.

I will call them tomorrow and see what the story is.

Thanks again
I am getting that message about 2 out of every 5 times I log in.

Its as if the drop down boxes are changing the number when you move to the next box.

It is really frustrating especially if you are in a hurry.
I am getting that message about 2 out of every 5 times I log in.

Its as if the drop down boxes are changing the number when you move to the next box.

Same story for me since the change to the login screen....
I had the same problem yesterday, my account got locked out. I must have put it in wrong with the new drop down boxes they have. Ring BOI the old password can be reset over the phone.