I have a heap of post belonging to a previous tenant.


Registered User
I have a heap of post belonging to a previous tenant. The existing tenants have been living in the house for a year and are only giving me this post now. There are around 50 letters !!

I don't have an address for him - as far as I know he is gone back to the Ukraine ??? The current tenants opened one of the letters by mistake - its a serious looking letter from a debt collection agency about an unpaid bill.

What do I do with all this post ? Return it to the Post Office ? Dump it ?
Re: Post for old Tenant

Repost marked "Not known at this address" ? It's probably the easiest thing to do.
Re: Post for old Tenant

Mark on the envelope not known at this address & put them back in the post box happened with my tentants and an post have a special area for this
Re: Post for old Tenant

Most of them had a PO Box return address on them - so I have sent all of them back to the sender.

Others are in plain white envelopes - should I open them and get senders address and post them back to them ?
Another one of the letters was opened too - its a letter from a solicitor about an personal injuries claim against the ex-tenant.

I don't really want to open anymore - don't want to know too much about this guy !!

Do the post office open them and find a return address when I mark them as "NOT KNOWN AT THIS ADDRESS" ?
Re: Post for old Tenant

Do the post office open them and find a return address when I mark them as "NOT KNOWN AT THIS ADDRESS" ?

No idea. If I were you I'd stay as uninvolved as possible - just write NKATA as above and stick them in a post box. Don't open any mail.
Re: Post for old Tenant

Don't open somebody elses mail! Why would you think it is ok to do this? An post will try and locate the person and will open them and send back to the sender. If the person claimed there was cash in the letters how would you prove you had not taken it? Letters are private give them back to an post
Re: Post for old Tenant

You shouldn't open post addressed to others. Send it back not known at this address.

If the person claimed there was cash in the letters how would you prove you had not taken it?

There is the presumption of innocence... until proven guilty...

Finally, never send money by post... If it goes missing how could you prove any individual had taken it?
Re: Post for old Tenant

Don't open somebody elses mail! Why would you think it is ok to do this? An post will try and locate the person and will open them and send back to the sender. If the person claimed there was cash in the letters how would you prove you had not taken it? Letters are private give them back to an post
I know of a woman who got a letter addressed to "John Smith" at her address. As there was no "John Smith" living there, she noted "not known at this address" and popped it into a postbox.

A few days later the same letter arrived back in her letterbox. So she wrote "John Smith is STILL not known at this address" and reposted it.

Some days later it arrived in her letterbox for the third time. This time she wrote "To An Post: I've told you twice he doesn't live here. What is wrong with you people!!!" and posted it again.

Unbelieveably the letter arrived at her address a few days later. So at this point she opened it and very kindly brought it to the place that had incorrectly sent it to her.
I happened to be working there that day so I saw the envelope, otherwise I might have trouble believing the story!
Never open another persons post. An Post have a section at each Delivery Office which is authorised to deal with all undelivered mail. Marking letters ''not known at this address'' can cause problems. For example, a bill comes to a householder, the householder does not want to pay the bill and marks ''not known at this address'' although the person is at the address. The proper thing to do is bring the letters to your delivery postman or to your local post-office, explain the situation and they will take it from there.
I've put nkata on at least 100 letters when i first moved in in July, none came back and have now fizzled out. Majority of post had a po box on back.
Never open another persons post. An Post have a section at each Delivery Office which is authorised to deal with all undelivered mail. Marking letters ''not known at this address'' can cause problems. For example, a bill comes to a householder, the householder does not want to pay the bill and marks ''not known at this address'' although the person is at the address. The proper thing to do is bring the letters to your delivery postman or to your local post-office, explain the situation and they will take it from there.

OK so I go to the local post office and tell them verbally ''not known at this address'' and that way I won't "...cause problems..." ?

And "..the householder who does not want to pay the bill.." won't do that? So that's that sorted too!

And the "...section at each Delivery Office which is authorised to deal with all undelivered mail..." get confused when a letter is marked ''not known at this address''...

That sound just about spot on for An Post and our Post Offices!!! :rolleyes:
We have frequently marked post as not known at this address (well, twice a month on average) and it has never come back.