Online book of condolence for Manuela Riedo

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Anyone know if there is an online BOC set up for this poor kid ?

It's not a letting off steam issue I guess but felt it a bit inappropraite to ask the question in shooting the breeze.

Just wanted to say how sad I was to hear of the death of that beautiful young girl. It's funny but I always feel worst when it is a foreign person who is murdered rathar than an Irish person.I know both are equally as bad but going somewhere on holidays or for whatever reason and to lose your life while there for such a short time. I really think it is time to think about new punishments for people who have no value for the lives of others.Manuela RIP
It's funny but I always feel worst when it is a foreign person who is murdered rathar than an Irish person.
There have been some very sad murders both on Irish (that poor grl that was murdered by the bf, the two young men killded because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time i.e the young plumber killed when the two gun men shot Milo Hyland, and the young man killed while getting a lift with the Motor dealer who laundered drug money) and that poor girl Manuela, only 2 weeks in the country..It really is so terrible
Who is Milo Hyland?

You might want to be careful alluding to cases that may be ongoing due to the risk of prejudicing matters.
So, does anyone know of an Online book of condolence for Manuela Riedo ?

I am told that the only book still open is in Renmore Church, it's a pity that one could not sign one online.
Depends on how you handle grief!

She was someones daughter/sister/friend and she chose to come here for what Ireland could offer her and total monsters ended her life and left her on wasteland.

I think if it was my relation I wouldn't want to know anything about Ireland and what its people had to say.

I know thats harsh but thats how I feel.
Online condolences mean very little I would expect. I didn't know the girl or her family and like most murders in the country and other countries it is a tragedy, but the sympathy of strangers would mean very little if anything.
I guess there is nothing like justice in a case like this she is gone forever and whatever is done to the perpertrators give them life, hang them whatever the sense of justice will never be fullfilled. We all offer condolances to the bereaved but in a case like this they come across empty and worthless. This is personally what I feel
I guess there is nothing like justice in a case like this she is gone forever and whatever is done to the perpertrators give them life, hang them whatever the sense of justice will never be fullfilled.
What about arresting, charging and trying them first?
I guess the use of the term "perpetrators" assumes a prior conclusion of guilt in the courts in this instance.
What about arresting, charging and trying them first?
But of course I'm not in the habit of dishing out justice willy nilly, but seriously if justice = equity how can there be justice in a case like this. The law of the land can/will be upheld but there cannot be justice
I guess the use of the term "perpetrators" assumes a prior conclusion of guilt in the courts in this instance.
exactly and does not assume its male or female just in case of thwarting the course of law (phew)

I guess the use of the term "perpetrators" assumes a prior conclusion of guilt in the courts in this instance if this means guilty before being tried the answer is no but I being in no capacity to find people guilty or not is irrelevant(Tell me it so Joe)
Johnny Boy - I know what you mean...

I'm sure you didn't assume that the suspect be sentenced and brought to justice without trial or evidence...

and I'm sure other posters would have understood that also...
but seriously if justice = equity how can there be justice in a case like this.
If indeed. But who says that justice = equity? My understanding is that justice is just the application of the law and does not provide for retribution or vengeance etc. which sounds more like what you're talking about?
Your 100% wrong about what I saying. Whatever is said whatever justice is melted out to after a trial by a jury of their peers seen to be fair and in accordance with the law of the land and to be constituitional will not have been justice. The taking of life of the innocent cannot be paid back in anyform. What good will it do her family it will not bring her back.The law is the law and its the best when it comes to certain crimes and justice can be served but in this case no.
I'm sorry all.

Am I reading these posts wrong or is it just because my sensitivity has been heightened at what happened to Manuela?

Johnny Boy did not mention the words "retribution" or "vengance".

What I read from his posts is that no matter what happens to the person that did this, whether she/he is locked up for life, or hung (after an arrest and trial of course Clubman) that it still will not bring the girl back.

justice won't be done regardless of what they do to the person responsible because of the sheer evil and horrific way they ended her life.
no form of punishment or jail time can undo the damage caused.
if this means guilty before being tried the answer is no

No, I don't mean that.

Just an academic semantic point.

A person or persons could be arrested, charged etc etc...whatever the outcome it doesn't mean they actually did it.

A "perpetrator" did it. Again regardless of the court process/results - if they are the perpetrators, they committed the crime.

I was pointing to your use of the word as being absolute - i.e. we are talking about the people who without doubt, factually, committed the crime - independent of the processes of justice/investigation.

Er...I hope that's clear! :confused:
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