Cat Scratching Door

Hi Mrs.C has a cat that is now drivng me nuts.

PS We aren't prepared to get rid of the cat

Have you thought about getting rid of the missus?

Just let them up on the bed. It's very cold these nights, and they need a nice warm leg to snuggle up to. The only downside is the tendancy to wake you up with a cold, slightly damp nose into your face, accompanied by Harley-Davidson like purring.
When we were renovating our house (and had no doors downstairs!), my cat used to miaow a lot outside the bedroom to get in as well, but not enough to wake us up. Now that we have our new doors downstairs, we just leave her in the sitting room, where she sleeps on one of the couches (on her blanket) and also has the kitchen to wander in and out of. She seems happy enough and it's what she's used to now. Two rooms is plenty IMO. I put her out in the morning then...

I'm on the kitten adoption website as well so would recommend it for any info re your cat's habits...
