90 mins between flights at liverpool?

Maggie B

Registered User
Going Shannon to Liverpool with Ryan Air and getting another Ryan flight to Fuerteventura wondering if I am giving myself enough time.

Arriving Liverpool 11.25
Departing for Fue at 12.55. (there is only one flight 3 times a week)
prices are great -- 1cent to Liverpool and 1p to Fue.
In normal transfer times 90 minutes may be ok.

The problem you have is that they are 2 distinct flights. If the first is delayed and you miss the second then thats it you missed your flighht. Ryanair will not put you on the next flight becasue they are a point to point airline and don't do transfers.

Also your transfer time is not 90 minutes it is only 50 minutes because you need to check in 40 mins before flight (unless you do online)

I'd do it with an airline like BA etc who if the first flight is delayed will put you on the next available flight but no way would I chance this with Ryanair. So many things can go wrong to delay you making the connection.

A slight delay in shannon, waiting for bags in Liverpool can all add up and then running to make connection. You may find yourself spending way more than you had ever imagined.
More than enough time if checking in online and there are no delays, even with an hour delay you will have about enough time, anything more you won't make it, simple as that.

Security queues can get quite long in Liverpool mind you so no dilly dallying, as you have no checked in baggage there will be no offloading of baggage to done so as a result no extra few minutes to get to the gate. Also the Ryanair ground staff at Liverpool are some of the quickest I've seen in getting people through the boarding gate, bear this in mind.
It's certainly a risk MaggieB, if it works you're laughing, but be prepared for anything with RyanAir
V v v risky! How to ruin your holiday in one move! Personally I would get an earlier flight (from Dub) or spend a day exploring Liverpools finest sights!
V v v risky! How to ruin your holiday in one move! Personally I would get an earlier flight (from Dub) or spend a day exploring Liverpools finest sights!
early flight from Dublin leaves at 7.45 so that means overnight stay(travelling from West)
other option seems to be travell day before and overnight in Liverpool.
The bargain is getting more expensive!!!
That's Ryanair for you! Personally I would get there the day before and enjoy a day shopping/whatever in Manchester (1hr by coach). check out to plan your journey. Plenty of cheap hotels in Liverpool. Premier travel inns are a good balance of cheapness and quality usually..
The mind boggles at this statement
:confused: Ryanair do not offer connections. Therefore if you are travelling from Ireland you have to do the work yourself to guarantee you will not miss your next flight. So you have to factor in ATC delays, weather, strikes, general road traffic conditions, etc.

That is indeed Ryanair for you. They do what they say on the packet.
I travel with Ryan Air quiet a lot and have no complaints about them, I will stay overnight in Liverpool to be on safe side thanks.
early flight from Dublin leaves at 7.45 so that means overnight stay(travelling from West)
other option seems to be travell day before and overnight in Liverpool.
The bargain is getting more expensive!!!

Hve you checked out ferry times? - I'd much prefer a nice relaxing ferry journey than put up with Dublin airport, its security, disease riddled aircraft and the M50.

For my last holiday, we went by train and ferry instead of flying, and had a great time.
Hve you checked out ferry times? - I'd much prefer a nice relaxing ferry journey than put up with Dublin airport, its security, disease riddled aircraft and the M50.

For my last holiday, we went by train and ferry instead of flying, and had a great time.
Hi just curious to know what you mean by disease ridden aircraft?
Hi just curious to know what you mean by disease ridden aircraft?

When flying, you are in close proximity to other people and their pathogens, phages and general stink. You are breathing the same air as a couple of hundred other people in a sealed metal tube for the duration of the flight.

My wife has frequently succumbed to the barrage of toxins, and now won't fly without her 'first defence' spray.
I say go for it. I have been on lots of ryan flights and 95% have been ok and on time. If possible to book your accomadtion in fuvert so that you can cancel on same day as arrival which you can do with lots of hotels and then you just have to take your week in Liverpool and you can have a lovely time and travel by train to chester for a day and go to manchester for a day if things dont go according to plan. If they do you have had a bargain and if you get delayed then you can still have a good week. ENJOY
When flying, you are in close proximity to other people and their pathogens, phages and general stink. You are breathing the same air as a couple of hundred other people in a sealed metal tube for the duration of the flight.

My wife has frequently succumbed to the barrage of toxins, and now won't fly without her 'first defence' spray.

What is her "first defence spray"? I usually end up with a chest infection each time I fly so perhaps that's what I need.
john lennon is a new and efficient airport. ryanair are usually pretty good on punctuality I think you will be ok. ps ryanair have direct flights on tues , thurs and sats to fuert. best deals seem to be around the tues/satys ones, for some odd reason the thurs ones are usually more expensive.