Brake Pads


Registered User

I am bringing my car to a mechanic tomorrow morning as there is a crunching noise when I press on the brakes ( I assume I need new brake pads), the car also makes what can only be descibed as a roaring noise ( as if I am in the wrong gear) when driving ,I have had the exhaust checked out and have been told its perfect, anyway does anyone have any idea of what this " roar" could be its a 00 Renault Clio I have had it 7 months. It's not that I do not trust mechanics but would like to have some idea of what the issue is before I bring it to him


I am bringing my car to a mechanic tomorrow morning as there is a crunching noise when I press on the brakes ( I assume I need new brake pads), the car also makes what can only be descibed as a roaring noise ( as if I am in the wrong gear) when driving ,I have had the exhaust checked out and have been told its perfect, anyway does anyone have any idea of what this " roar" could be its a 00 Renault Clio I have had it 7 months. It's not that I do not trust mechanics but would like to have some idea of what the issue is before I bring it to him


Is the 'roaring' coming from the engine area or is it an exhaust type roar?

Difficult to say - could be something as simple as the throttle sticking or an associated control valve - if so, not a big deal to fix.
Thanks for the reply I would say it's coming from the rear of the car,

Again, difficult to say - I'm no mechanic - but it could be that the air/fuel mixture is wrong, which again, may be a fairly simple job.
dont be surprised if you are told the disks need changing.if yer pads have been gone fo a while then the may have eaten into the disks too.

get back and tell us how much ya get charged i bought a set of pads for the same car for €15 a couple of weeks ago.

As for the roar well there isnt much at the bac of the car to "ROAR" except the Exhaust. Who check it for ya? maybe a very VERY wonky wheel beraing might make this but ya would feel it when driving i think.

The noise from the brakes is only happening for the past few days and the car hasn't been driven very far so i would be surprised if I need a new disc.. but I will let you know

roar - probably wheel bearing - very common in Clios of that era
at its worst noise can sound like jet engine at rear of car.
way to check is to turn slightly steering wheel to left then right whilst driving on straight road with no traffic!
if noise diminishes in either direction then it is the wheel bearing
turning the car slightly loads up the pressure on the bearing which reduces the noise
an experienced mechanic can use this method to determine whether it is the left or right bearing giving the problem
Thank you just back from the mechanic and you are right the noise is the back wheel bearing so he said it would cost no more then €40 to fix ..not sure how much it is to replace the brake pads yet but am hoping it won't be that much

Thanks again for all the great replies
Hope its OK to piggyback on this thread but I also have a "roaring" noise in my car. Its a 98 Polo and the noise happens intermittently but usually when driving slow in traffic and there is alot of stopping and starting. It comes on when stopping and about mins or so after moving again it usually goes away (the noise doesn't happen all the time though). It had a service about a month ago but the mechanic wasn't able to find anything (typical - the noise wasn't reproduced when the mechanic was around!!!)
Any ideas?
sounds like a brake problem
wheel bearing noise can only be heard at about 30 upwards and get progressively louder at speed
the car also makes what can only be descibed as a roaring noise

Just being thorough, but you are driving in the right gears for your spee, yes?
A car sounding like it's in the wrong gear will have high revs, and if it has high revs when your are not pushing on, then it's problem.

I guess it comes down to a better explanation of 'roaring sound'.
A car sounding like it's in the wrong gear will have high revs, and if it has high revs when your are not pushing on, then it's problem.

I guess it comes down to a better explanation of 'roaring sound'.
Yip driving in the right gear :)

Its a load noise that comes and goes and happens when stationary (and only when the car has been stopping and starting in traffic). About 30 seconds after moving off it stops.

nissanfigaro said:
sounds like a brake problem
wheel bearing noise can only be heard at about 30 upwards and get progressively louder at speed
Therefore I doubt its the brakes either as when the car starts moving again its only in second gear so not going at speed
I just got a 00 clio as well recently and when i start the car and take hand break off I hear a kind of crunch noise would this have anything to do with fact there are new brake pads in car?
Yip driving in the right gear :)

Its a load noise that comes and goes and happens when stationary (and only when the car has been stopping and starting in traffic). About 30 seconds after moving off it stops.

Therefore I doubt its the brakes either as when the car starts moving again its only in second gear so not going at speed

could it be your fan belt squealing???????
I just got a 00 clio as well recently and when i start the car and take hand break off I hear a kind of crunch noise would this have anything to do with fact there are new brake pads in car?


brake pads are in the front whilst hand brake operates on the rear wheels which have shoes not pads (all probably goggledegook but here goes)
It could be your back brake shoes sticking on starting off. This would be mostly noticeable first thing in the morning.