Playing Hopscotch with the dog.....



I walk our dog in the evening time for about 20/30 minutes and used to find it an opportunity to chill and reflect on what's going on in my life (in fact, maybe the dog is bringing me for a walk as she knows it's beneficial to me) Anyway, in recent weeks I've realised that I actually spend more time trying to dodge dog crap, leftovers of No. 14 with Egg Fried Rice and broken beer bottles!

Now I know all of these topics have probably been discussed before on AAM and I have a particular issue with irresponsible dog owners but this has just gotten to the stage where it's nothing short of appauling. Is there anybody being fined and/or successfully prosecuted for littering in the South Dublin Co. Co. region? Is there an effective Dog Warden with the powers and initiative to go after people who let their dogs out for an early morning 'free dump' or continue to flout the laws regarding having their dogs on leads and muzzled (if applicable) and/or cleaning up after them in a public place? Does anybody in authority actually care that the open green spaces created in our housing estates are now a health hazard for our kids through broken glass and dog excrement?


r2d2 (Counting down the hours to my next bout of Hopscotch with the dog)
I'm lucky enough to live in a rural, litter free area. But I'm in the larger towns and cities enough to see for myself what you are talking about.

I seem to remember a few years back (maybe when litter laws & associated fines were updated?) in my parents' local, large town paper, that rarely a week went by without someone being fined for littering - and the town did seem to improve for a few months. But then the spate of fines seemed to fizzle out and they are back to square one.

Faced with a particular localised littering problem, my parents were advised to install CCTV to catch the culprits - it wasn't even my parents property! Occasionally a litter warden would arrive and clean up but now even that seems to have stopped.

It looks to me that in the local authorities you have people who are office based - doing very little, and then a lot of "jobsworths" on the street who seem to be be only willing to empty the already overspewing bins.

I can't remember the last time I actually saw someone sweeping the street.
Ah yes,

I take my dog, (and pooper scooper) for a walk every day, and seem to be the only one who takes something to collect the poop in. (Unless everybody else with a dog has a collection of bags for that purpose in their pockets that I can't see).

Reminds me of a friend who related the tail of when he was walking home behind an old woman and her wee dog. The dog duly squatted and voided his bowels. The old woman took a hankie out of her purse, (ah thought my friend, she is going to pick up the poo like a civilised person :) ), wiped the dogs This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language, deposited the hankie on the pile of poo, and continued on her merry way :mad: .

Had it been me, I would have collected poo and hankie, followed her home, and deposited it through her letter box.