New development in Dundalk: Carlinn Hall.



hi guys

there is a new development being built just outside Dundalk at the minute, though i cant think of the name.

Its close to blackrock, if anyone knows the area it is just up from the green gates and opposite sextons.

It will stretch from the back of Xerox, all the way back behind jackie murphys.

Does anyone know what its called or have any links to plans of it?
Re: New development in Dundalk

Yeah it's called Carlinn Hall. They are nearly sold out of the 1st phase of it after launching on Friday.

[broken link removed]
Re: New development in Dundalk

thats the one, cheers

any idea on prices?
Re: New development in Dundalk

290/295 for three bed mid terraced

320 for three bed semi-d

These prices will likely go up for the next phase.
Re: New development in Dundalk

ah thats not too bad sure


BTW, where'd you get those prices from?
Re: New development in Dundalk

What makes you think that prices are likely to go up in the next phase?

The agent indicated that they would be higher for the second phase, whenever that launches. Aside from what she said, a simple supply/demand analysis would indicate that prices will go up, it was one of the busiest showhouses I've been to and I've been to a good few in the past month.
a simple supply/demand analysis would indicate that prices will go up

According to this website,

Assuming no new properties are listed and properties continue to go Sale Agreed/Withdrawn at the currnebt rate then ther is currently 11 months supply on the market

So does this mean the analysus that the estate agent took would only be releated to new houses.
theres an awful lot of new houses being build on the opposite side of the road. I would say the agent is chancing their arm on the 'next phase will increase'. This mantra went into cold storage sometime earlier this year. Dundalk is not going to buck the national trend.
Based on the Location and the features these houses, does people think they are a good buy to live in, I have a deposit on one but thinking of taking my deposit back. I think IMO that i should wait until the second phase. I had had heard building has stopped in Dundalk??
It depends what you want really.

In my estimation, on paper, they don't seem so bad. Looking at the three bed terrace houses, they are slightly bigger than what I have seen in other developments (by about 10m2 or so). They seem to reasonably high spec'd (the smart homes installation is a big plus in this regard). The lack of any allowance for tiling and kitchen appliances is disappointing and there was no mention of the extractor hood/fan being included. The other interesting thing is the hot water being provided from a central location, but I haven't heard this happening before so there may be teething problems. I think 290/295 is a good price for these houses.

In regards to location within the town, it's quite a distance from the train station, if commuting to Dublin getting the bus might be the best option. It's quite near the 24 hour tesco and Marshes isn't too much further than that. Also, in the schools in the town, space is at a premium. The schools located outside of the town have room, but they are a good distance away.
I have been waiting a long time for a property, the spec appears to be good, and the layout of the rooms look great, I have a deposit on a 3 bed duplex at 265k, but this is at top of my budget, i am not taking into account management fee's etc. which I presume would be higher as it is a duplex.

I think I will wait another while, I have waited this long I can wait another while, (Plus you can pur smartnomes into any house) :)