Possible one room extension questions


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HI, I am looking at getting our Sitting room extended as too small and have a few questions. I am currently getting quotes how many should I get - thinking around 3.
I am looking for just one room extension into the Garden possibly around 20ft long by 12ft wide. I don't think I need planning permission for this size is that right?
It is going to be basic enough I think do I need to get an architect to up drawings - it is basically 3 walls, move patio door, possibly 2 windows and a roof?
It will be near enough the fence with my neighbour but will not touch it, break it etc. Obviously out of courtesy I will tell them I getting it done - I don't need to get their permission do I? He is very nice but she is just plain Ignorant and rude - you know the type when coming into contact does not even acknowledge your existance and nope it is not just me it is all the neighbours.
firstly, check to make sure it is exempt from planning permission:
[broken link removed]
see paragraph 5 here
and remember that the extension must be to the rear of the dwelling.

you should get an architect on board if you want to know the best way to do the extension... his job is to design the best way build it.... ie if it is 20 ft long and 12 ft wide... how are you going to roof it??? will it affect other windows??? can it be constructed using standard materials?? will it affect underground services???

if you satisfied with these issues yourself it may not be necessary to engage one. similarly, it is the architects job to communicate your instructions to the builder.... and to ensure the build is correct.... would you know by looking at a roof construction whether the purlin is strutted enough?? or whether the jamb, threshold and cill details are constructed correctly??? etc.....

its like anything in life, its ok cutting corners until something goes wrong.... then it becomes expensive to clean up the mess......
Cheers interesting- yep extension at rear of house, House is 3 stories tall so will not get near the gable no windows above it as most of the windows are to the front of the house. Extension at back.

No underground services there - it is a modern house about 4 years old so yes can use modern materials.

What did this bit mean? Does that mean if it is a 2 storey extension?

"any extension above ground floor level is at least 2m​
from any boundary"


if the extension is 2 storey then the first floor must be at least 2 m from a 'party' boundary to be considered exempt...
HI, I am looking at getting our Sitting room extended as too small and have a few questions. I am currently getting quotes how many should I get - thinking around 3.
I am looking for just one room extension into the Garden possibly around 20ft long by 12ft wide. I don't think I need planning permission for this size is that right?
It is going to be basic enough I think do I need to get an architect to up drawings - it is basically 3 walls, move patio door, possibly 2 windows and a roof?
It will be near enough the fence with my neighbour but will not touch it, break it etc. Obviously out of courtesy I will tell them I getting it done - I don't need to get their permission do I? He is very nice but she is just plain Ignorant and rude - you know the type when coming into contact does not even acknowledge your existance and nope it is not just me it is all the neighbours.

I'd get at least 3 quotes. If they vary wildly then get a few more. A friend recently extended and one quote was double the lowest:confused: Try get some recommendations from friends/family. IMO you can't beat word of mouth.

A quick call to your local planning authority should confirm if you are within guidelines. Personally I'd be inclined to consult an architect but I'm of the "better safe than sorry" school and as Syd says they know what they are talking about with regard to roofing design etc. Same friend got some great ideas for his extension from the architect.

I don't think you need "permission" from your neighbours but I assume if you are extending then you plan on staying put...you could be neighbours for a long time so no point in falling out. You hear so many horror stories of neighbours at war over silly things. Will your builder need get access through their property to plaster the outer wall as you obviously will need to get permission for this. Will you need to remove the fence any stage? I'd imagine you'd need their permission for that?

As for the woman next door....maybe she prefers to keep herself to herself.....or maybe she just doesn't like you? I steer well clear of my neighbour as he is a total pain!!
I'd get at least 3 quotes. If they vary wildly then get a few more. A friend recently extended and one quote was double the lowest:confused: Try get some recommendations from friends/family. IMO you can't beat word of mouth.

A quick call to your local planning authority should confirm if you are within guidelines. Personally I'd be inclined to consult an architect but I'm of the "better safe than sorry" school and as Syd says they know what they are talking about with regard to roofing design etc. Same friend got some great ideas for his extension from the architect.

I don't think you need "permission" from your neighbours but I assume if you are extending then you plan on staying put...you could be neighbours for a long time so no point in falling out. You hear so many horror stories of neighbours at war over silly things. Will your builder need get access through their property to plaster the outer wall as you obviously will need to get permission for this. Will you need to remove the fence any stage? I'd imagine you'd need their permission for that?

As for the woman next door....maybe she prefers to keep herself to herself.....or maybe she just doesn't like you? I steer well clear of my neighbour as he is a total pain!!

Yep all the builders are through word of mouth. Yep I intend to stay put as happy where I am. Nope the builder will not need access through their garden, have told him not to touch the fence. One is a polish guy but was trying to add all sorts of stuff (kind of put me off), another did a friends place recently and only lives down the road so waiting on his quote.

As for the woman it is strange - her husband is very friendly always has a chat say hello etc while she will simply blank you when you come into contact, she prob does not like me but then again she obviously does not like anyone from the area as she is same with everyone.
Well got 2 quotes so far will prob get one more, could not believe the difference between the 2 quotes €18k plus the cheaper one Polish guy included flooring!!
I am Also Planning an Extension . Similiar to your Size. Can you please Share ur Experience ? What potential issue to Look For? What Type of Roof you went for ?