Strawberries in September ?


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I don't know if it is a global warming thing or not, but our strawberry plants have been fruiting again for the last 2 or 3 weeks. I've never noticed this happening in other years - does anyone know whether this is normal or not ?

We had a good crop in the usual early-Summer time but the slugs got to a lot of them. This time around there don't seem to be any slugs, so we are getting the benefit.

Dunno if it's normal but we got two crops this year too- the second was about 6 to 8 weeks ago. Wish we would get two crops of apples too, looked as if we were going to get a bumper crop this year but after windfall and our local bird population had a go ( damn those birds, no bird seed for you this winter!) we had the princely sum of one apple left. Which made one very very small blackberry and apple crumble for the kids who at least had more fun picking the blackberries. The place is full full full of blackberries this year. I was half thinking of getting out to do a good collection and freezing them. But on mature reflection I can't be bothered. I will just have to enjoy them seasonally!
Not sure about strawberries, but there is more blackberries around than I ever remember. Downside, I've been advised there will be very few mushrooms :-(
Dunno if it's normal but we got two crops this year too- the second was about 6 to 8 weeks ago. Wish we would get two crops of apples too, looked as if we were going to get a bumper crop this year but after windfall and our local bird population had a go ( damn those birds, no bird seed for you this winter!) we had the princely sum of one apple left. Which made one very very small blackberry and apple crumble for the kids who at least had more fun picking the blackberries. The place is full full full of blackberries this year. I was half thinking of getting out to do a good collection and freezing them. But on mature reflection I can't be bothered. I will just have to enjoy them seasonally!

I don't have apple trees but my neighbours do and in North Kildare we have a great crop and I am actually passing on apples to my friends which are being given to me.

Could it be the result of our warm weather in April when the bees etc pollenated the trees?

Get the kids out and collect the blackberries and pass on the message that everything nice and enjoyable does'nt need money.

Sermon finished.
I froze a massive crop of blackberries (thankfully from a cultivated thornless variety!) a couple of weeks ago. Can't wait to have them and also my equally massive quantity of already-frozen gooseberries during those horrible winter months.

Get the kids out and collect the blackberries and pass on the message that everything nice and enjoyable does'nt need money.

Sermon finished.

Mine are too young. They come out with me but I'm afraid I'm doing all the picking while holding one todder in my arms and the other by the hand ( awkward as you can imagine). Once they're big enough I'll be enlisting their help straightaway.

Incidently Sherman can you just put the berries in plastic boxes and freeze or do you need to prepare them in any way first?
I freeze blackberries after quick wash in sieve in a single layer on a sheet of baking parchment on any large tin or tray that will fit in freezer. When frozen you can just scoop them up into freezer bag. That way they dont all stick together.
My strawberries and Bramleys are brilliant this year. Sheer neglect along with the wet weird weather all summer seemed to have produced bumper crops of both! Apple crumble and strawberries and cream are becoming quite the norm now!!
Incidently Sherman can you just put the berries in plastic boxes and freeze or do you need to prepare them in any way first?

Nope, just give them a wash and freeze away. I froze the blackberries as KerryG said, placed in a single layer on a tray. Once frozen, I boxed them in lunchboxes. For the gooseberries I put the weight needed for a crumble into separate freezer bags (having washed and dried them first obviously) - didn't bother freezing them separately first, as they end up mushy in a crumble anyway! That way I have loads of crumbles pre-measured, and just need to defrost and put the topping on...mmmm gooseberry crumble :D
Nope, just give them a wash and freeze away. I froze the blackberries as KerryG said, placed in a single layer on a tray. Once frozen, I boxed them in lunchboxes. For the gooseberries I put the weight needed for a crumble into separate freezer bags (having washed and dried them first obviously) - didn't bother freezing them separately first, as they end up mushy in a crumble anyway! That way I have loads of crumbles pre-measured, and just need to defrost and put the topping on...mmmm gooseberry crumble :D

Now I'm really jealous. That sounds gorgeous. Can't get fruit bushes to grow here ( on the seaside) until our hedges are high enough to give some good shelter. As it is the apple trees take an awful battering.