Anyone ever deal with a domestic oil spill??



Hi, I am looking for some advice on an oil spill in the garage of a house we are planning on buying. I'm not sure how much spilled but you can see the stain on the cement floor & smell it too....we are planning to convert the garage into a utility/playroom .Does anyone know how to go about getting oil cleaned /removed & the costs involved??? Would we have to take up the existing floor & replace to get rid of the smell etc??

Hi, I am looking for some advice on an oil spill in the garage of a house we are planning on buying. I'm not sure how much spilled but you can see the stain on the cement floor & smell it too....we are planning to convert the garage into a utility/playroom .Does anyone know how to go about getting oil cleaned /removed & the costs involved??? Would we have to take up the existing floor & replace to get rid of the smell etc??


Do you mean kerosene or car oil?

If kero, our boiler guy used jeyes fluid - seemed to work OK. Certainly don't think you'd have to take up the floor anyway.

Edit: Just be sure that it is an actual spill and not something that's coming up through the floor or something!
Sorry am useless with oil info....home heating oil - is that kerosene ?! Not car oil anyway - its from the oil tank - ...i think!!
thanks for the replies and advice - we were told floor may have to come up so I don't know....someone else told us he heard of this kind of problem before and it cost 35,000 to fix it up!!!! I think the oil has been there a few years - who would you ask about it? A builder?
A builder?

:D :D :D Ah ha ha ha ha!

Well the sky is your limit then isn't it? 35 grand? What's going on...

Seriously, I don't see why this should be anything other than a cleaning job. If you don't know anyone 'handy' just nonchalantly ask about it in a DIY or builder's suppliers store?

Along the lines of " Ah bloody oil patch on the garage floor - how would I clean that up?"

If they are casual in their response and don't try to sell you a 'special' product or service, that would be reassurance enough for me.
I really don't know tbh - this is all new to me.....I just found out that the spill would have leaked from the oil tank outside and seeped into the if its been there a few years it can seep into the walls and brick work would have to be replaced etc so I'm presuming thats a huge job.....I suppose we have to find out more information - I think there are surveyors who look at those types of spills to assess damage etc. Anyhow looks like we will have to investigate it further by the sounds of it...
I really don't know tbh - this is all new to me.....I just found out that the spill would have leaked from the oil tank outside and seeped into the if its been there a few years it can seep into the walls and brick work would have to be replaced etc so I'm presuming thats a huge job.....I suppose we have to find out more information - I think there are surveyors who look at those types of spills to assess damage etc. Anyhow looks like we will have to investigate it further by the sounds of it...

Really, I wouldn't worry about it.

(No offence with all the :D by the way, it's just that a builder builds - so therefore he's pretty likely to say that the whole floor will have to be replaced!)

Until a few years ago this kind of thing was all new to me as well BTW - make a few very casual and discreet enquiries, in a 'by the way' style, like I said above, and unless you hear any very shocked reactions just get out the Jeye's!

We had a leak too - a small one, but still a leak. As I said our boiler guy wasn't remotely concerned with the spillage - just in fixing the leak itself.

Don't worry!
Ok thanks Caveat - will try that - asking how to go about cleaning etc. Heres hoping it's not a massive job or else its bye bye to that house!! Will check it out............
How long did it leak for? If there is a big volume of oil, then you are looking at a big and expensive job, if it's a small leak then it just need cleaning up.
If I was in your shoes I would try ringing your local fire station and asking their advice. I had to phone Tara St. some years ago with a query on a central heating boiler that was spewing out thick smoke in a house near to ours. They were able to give good advice.

Why not ring a local central heating fuel supplier and see what they recommend.