Dog run in the back garden


The Wonderer

Hi guys,

I live in a semi detached house and have a rectangular shaped back garden with decking starting at the patio doors, which measures 16' x 16'.
There is about 7' between the side of the decking and the seperating wall/fence between both houses. I have a boxer and was thinking of making a run for him that starts from the side of the deck to the bottom of the garden and keep the rest of the garden for a lawn ( which is very hard to keep when the dog keeps digging holes!! ) The dog of course will have the run of the whole garden when we're there but I'll put him into his own space when we're not. My question is what would be the best way to do this? Should I slab it or use cobblelock or something else? And what should I use to seperate both area's? I was thinking chicken wire but the missus thinks it would look terrible!

We have a dog run for our 2 dogs. Chicken wire will not keep your dog in if he tries to get out - it's too light. We put up a chain link fence 6ft high & buried it in concrete to stop them digging underneath. (We're in the country so don't have walls/fencing enclosing our garden).
If your dog is used to having the full run of the garden then you'll have to get something fairly sturdy. Also our dogs can't really jump that high but our friends labrador can jump out of our run no problem. May or may not be a problem with your dog.
I could never figure out why people think that you must have a big garden for a big dog or a small garden for a small dog.

When we open the back door the dog rushes out down to the end of the garden, hoping to catch some cats trespassing on his turf. He then does his business, has a sniff round for a few minutes, and then normally comes straight back up to the door whining to be let back in. He won't come in when you open the door, basically he just wants us to leave it open. He comein in eventually.

A few minutes later, he's back standing at the door, looking to be let back out again. He has us well trained.
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Thanks for the replies guys. Our dog does the same thing, when we open the door he bolts down the back looking for cats that aren't even there!! I think he's loosing the plot! Anyone any others idea's for the run?
Thanks for the replies guys. Our dog does the same thing, when we open the door he bolts down the back looking for cats that aren't even there!! I think he's loosing the plot! Anyone any others idea's for the run?

I notice you don't mention anything about a kennel. Do you intend leaving him for long? I understand the max for doing so is approx 4 hours. We leave our guy in the house.
HIya Wonderer,
We have an English Springer Spaniel, he suffers from the open door syndrome too:D . Husband made his run from 2inch box steel and welded 1 1/2inch mesh to it. A lot of work but well worth it as the run has moved house with us twice, we do not plant it into the ground as our guy is really not a digger more of a bird chaser. The run is 5.5 ft high so I have to be careful not to put his kennell up against the fencing as he could jump out of it. In the house we are in at the mo I have used Cow Mats as his flooring. These are basically very heavy rubber mats ( used by farmers in cubicles in slatted sheds as bedding ) and I have just put down three of them in the run. Its very easy on his paws, can be just hosed down and no work involved in fitting them :)