Spotlights program on Dog fighting in NI

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I watched this last night and was very upset. At one point it showed dogs being treated with morphine - this is a class A drug - not only is dog fighting a cruel sport but also has obvious links with drug dealing.
Saw it too - pretty disgusting. Seems like a few of these individuals will face justice in the courts of the land not to mention the courts of public opinion - especially in the case of a certain high profile sportsman.

I guess the use of morphine by vets is not unusual in cases of extreme pain though.
the use of morphine by vets is not unusual in cases of extreme pain though.

Yes morphine is used by vets, however wouldn't a regular vet (like a doctor) have tp report instances of cruelty and dog fighting - so the "clinician" involved must not have been registered - if not how did they get access to the morhine - if a registered vet - why did he not report the injuries, if this is the case and the vet is registered should they not be struck off...

The injuries for dogfighting would be apparent (as opposed to injuries cased by a random attack) - not only would a dog have new injuries but they would have old scars and internal injuries.
Yes morphine is used by vets, however wouldn't a regular vet (like a doctor) have tp report instances of cruelty and dog fighting - so the "clinician" involved must not have been registered - if not how did they get access to the morhine

Sorry - I misunderstood you Pinkybear. When you said drug dealing I thought you meant street drugs for humans. Yes, obviously their morphine was stolen or otherwise illegally procured and there were obviously no vets among that lot.

At least the dogs received treatment of some sort though - not applauding this or anything - but among the other displays of neanderthal cruelty and callousness, I was surprised to see it.

Though it's probably just cold logic for these people - looking after their 'investment'.
sure he got off in the court for the crime they were asking him about - then he appealed the ban on keeping dogs. He came across as being as thick as a plank to be honest. and linked to drug dealers.

Sickening programme and i hope that on the back of it the authorities in Finland UK and Ireland clamp down on puppyfarmers in general.
Any farmer here watching would have been rightly peeved because the dogs were shipped through Germany and Ireland because the UK would be "too risky " - ie the authorities would be doing their job properly not like here and NI (for some reason NI was easier to get through than the rest of the UK airports). It seemed to me that the risk of foot and , TB etc etc was huge.
sure he got off in the court for the crime they were asking him about - then he appealed the ban on keeping dogs. He came across as being as thick as a plank to be honest. and linked to drug dealers.


At least they have him on tape admitting he destroyed eveidence and lied about the dog so hopefully they will get him on that. T

At least the dogs received treatment of some sort though - not applauding this or anything - but among the other displays of neanderthal cruelty and callousness, I was surprised to see it.

Though it's probably just cold logic for these people - looking after their 'investment'.

they were using a STAPLE GUN to patch up the wounds. it was so cruel
totally despicable, I hope yer man gets nailed & that goons dont use this as an anti-GAA opportunity

You have to appreciate that the AAM moderators do not watch every television programme.

Even if we do, ITV may be happy to defend themselves against defamation, but we are not.

People do terrible things, but unfortunately, I am not puting my home on the line to enable you to highlight these things.

It was on RTE1 News just now. The guy is Gerard Cavlan.

From my point of view, if it's widely discussed in more than one news outlet, it is unlikely to result in defamation. However, there is nothing to be gained by discussing it further here.
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