Damage to rental car




I've got a car on rent from National Car Rental. I parked it over night outside my house and when I picked it up the next morning the plastic casing around the driver wing mirror was badly chipped. The road is very narrow and I should have pulled the mirrors in but I was home at twelve pm and leaving at seven so I thought I'd get away with it.

I've priced getting the mirror replaced at €200. Can't decide if I should just get it replaced and say nothing. Give it back and say nothing and hope they don't notice or give it back and tell them what happened and trust that they will charge me a reasonable fee to replace it themselves?

Anyone any idea how much they would charge?
Did you take out any additional insurance at the desk. Usually they try real hard to sell this cover as the staff get a commission on it. Otherwise I would be inclined to say nothing (unless its obvious and then I would repace it myself)

Be assured the replacement charge will be anything but 'reasonable' and they have your credit card!
As the above poster said, they have your credit card!. In the long run it might be best to explain what happened and agree on a price to repair the damage. Do enquire about the insurance first.
Had a small/slim paint scratch (size of finger) on a recent rental and they charged 300 Euros to fix it!
Isn't there usually an excess amount and no matter what the damage is, you are charged this? So what excess did you opt for?
I would assume that the damage will be noticed. I'm pretty sure cars get the once over when they are being cleaned and prepared for the next customer.
Also, given you have mentioned the rental company on here...they'll be watching out for you!
Had a small/slim paint scratch (size of finger) on a recent rental and they charged 300 Euros to fix it!

My own car picked up a similar scratch (less than the size of a finger) and my garage (main dealer) advised me not to repair it as this would cost €500-€600! Their advice was only to repair such scratches if I am about to sell the car otherwise I could spend big money repairing a scratch and then pick up another one later.