How to tell somone they have body odour


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New person started in the office recently. BO real bad and its nearly vomiting inducing at times. What words can one use?
oh really tough one! could you walk in and go god its really stuff in here can we open the windows they might realise its then.
You could try the Homer Simpson approach and send them a note..."Welcome to Stinksville, population YOU!"
It's a very delicate one but something should be done about it. Maybe someone in your HR department could have a discreet word with them. A problem like that it makes life very uncomfortable for everyone around that person.

In this day and age there really is no excuse for smelly people in a work environment - everyone has access to soap and water. Only stale sweat smells so either that person is not washing regularly or doesn't change his or her clothes. Eitherway they should be told about it.
This reminds me of a "talk" my boss had to have with a new colleague who was not au fait with Western hygiene habits. After a week of complaints from staff about the smell, he had to call the guy aside and tell him straight up that he needs to shower regularly. Did the trick, but was an embarrassing situation for the boss.

I think in theory you should tell HR you can't work in office with him/her and let them deal with it.
I can imagine a lot of HR depts not doing much about this.

Have been in this situation before and the 'hint' approach is usually too subtle as well. Do you get on OK with the person in general? Is it possible just to politely say it to them yourself?
We had this problem a few years ago with a colleague. We asked the Occupational Health Nurse to speak to him about it. Maybe we thought it was better coming from a health professional used to embarrassing questions, but it did the trick !
If you wanted to avoid confronting the person, your manager or office manager could send an email out to whole room/office saying it's been noticed and has become a 'problem' and could everyone please take extra care with their personal hygeine! Hopefully this would lead the person responsible to examine their own!
We had one or two instances of this in our office. Small company so we got a mail around saying that since it was summer and quite warm and sticky there would be cans of anti perspirant put into all toliets (3 gents, 3 ladies) and people should feel free to use them. Did the trick.
People with continual bad body odour obviously don't smell it themselves.

I wonder what it was like years ago when people didn't wash at all ?
I suppose wearing a peg on your nose would be a bit pointed - or at least your nose would be after an hour or two.
People with continual bad body odour obviously don't smell it themselves.
I wonder what it was like years ago when people didn't wash at all ?

Maybe your own miasma warded off the stench of others? I find with men, it's usually a case of not washing clothes often enough. The only way to deal with it is to take the person aside and have a quiet friendly chat - "just in case you didn't know.....etc" I really don't see what the big deal about it is. Is BO a taboo subject? Everyone seems to be able to talk about sex quite openly.
Good one to do is to say God I really stink today and say sorry to all in the office,this I hope we make them think aswell, if you have BO good chance you already know it, remember Bill Gates had BO due to been to busy to shower this is really true, or you could get someone in the office to say to you in a funny way god you smell take a shower every day
Is it male BO? Get the office bitch to tell him he stinks!

Not sure what to do about female BO - my ex-colleagues are still trying to figure it out after seven long smelly years.
Hold your nose between thumb and forefinger every time you come within six feet of them?

Leave a gift-wrapped can of deodorant on their desk with one of those "from all of us" cards, filled with pointed comments about how the atmosphere in the office has been transformed since their arrival, etc., etc.?

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I agree with SCatrionas post...

Experienced the problem in a previous job...the office manager sent a general mail saying that there have been complaints, no one took it personally because they all knew who the mail was aimed at and the person in question did improve

the person in question used to walk a 45 minute walk to work and home again and wear the same shirt in the next day, and the next, and the the hint and changed when he got into work...

its a horrible thing, I used to work with a guy who loved king crisps and ate them a few times a day, he had a habit of leaning in close when he wanted to talk to you....I didn't know whether to be distracted by his breath or the king crips crumbs hanging onto this goatee....
When I worked on the oil rigs,admittedly not the most PC environment :D any BO sufferers would very quickly hear the cry " hoi, you're Abraham Lincoln".

Always worked, but not sure it'd be the recommended approach in every situation.