New York in 24hrs


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Heading to the States in 3 weeks and will have a 24hr stop over in NY. Staying somewhere in Manhatten for the night. Arrive at 3pm on the Sat and leave at 5pm on the Sun (26hrs, sorry Clubman). Any ideas of what is feasable for me to do in that timescale? I dont want to just sit in a bar - i could do that at home.
Heading to the States in 3 weeks and will have a 24hr stop over in NY. Staying somewhere in Manhatten for the night. Arrive at 3pm on the Sat and leave at 5pm on the Sun (26hrs, sorry Clubman). Any ideas of what is feasable for me to do in that timescale? I dont want to just sit in a bar - i could do that at home.

You could go to the empire state, open till midnight top of the rock rockefeller centre also open late. Bus tour uptown & downtown tour. Shopping at Macys.
Just head towards Greenwich village and wander!

Seriously - you'll find easily enough to interest you in this area. It's on Manhattan island so easily accessable. Depends what you are into I suppose but it's full of arty places, music, interesting 'bohemian' type stuff etc etc
Theres an awful lot to see. Where do you arrive at '3pm' ? At the airport or at your accomodation ? Where is the accomodation located ? Is it on Manhattan next to a subway? How tired will you be when you arrive ? (based on time since last sleeping before the packing etc). The subway runs all night. How many hours do you want to stay out after arriving ? You may want some sleep before your connecting flight. I'm assuming you may have to return to the airport for a connecting flight ? Basically how many hours can you allocate to seeing and experiencing Manhattan ?
Would you be looking for somewhere to eat , shopping or to do some fast sightseeing ? I was in the exact same situation as yourself, waiting for a connecting flight last month except my bed wasnt slept in as New York has so much to see!
Theres an awful lot to see. Where do you arrive at '3pm' ? At the airport or at your accomodation ? Where is the accomodation located ? Is it on Manhattan next to a subway? How tired +will you be when you arrive ? (based on time since last sleeping before the packing etc). The subway runs all night. How many hours do you want to stay out after arriving ? You may want some sleep before your connecting flight. I'm assuming you may have to return to the airport for a connecting flight ? Basically how many hours can you allocate to seeing and experiencing Manhattan ?
Would you be looking for somewhere to eat , shopping or to do some fast sightseeing ? +I was in the exact same situation as yourself, waiting for a connecting flight last month except my bed wasnt slept in as New York has so much to see!

did u stay out all night and where was open??
did u stay out all night and where was open??

Well 'city that never sleeps' and all that!

The free ferry to Staten Island is an easy way of getting a river 'cruise'.
It can be an eye-opener too - all sorts of lifeforms on that ferry!
Yeah, i'm of the "leave the sleeping til i get home" attitude. I'm game for anything to be honest. Maybe some sleazy jazz club. I like the idea of the empire state at midnight. Not too pushed about restaurants - i wouldnt be a foodie. Dont know yet where exactly the hotel is - was just told its in Manhatten. NY Rangers are playing on the sat that i'm there - love to get tickets for that.
Well 'city that never sleeps' and all that!

The free ferry to Staten Island is an easy way of getting a river 'cruise'.
It can be an eye-opener too - all sorts of lifeforms on that ferry!

I know its the city that never sleeps but we went with our teenage son and shops close at certain times also dont think there would be anything quite family friendly after certain hours, but am just curious to know if its just bars that are open all night or what else is there?????
Yeah, i'm of the "leave the sleeping til i get home" attitude. I'm game for anything to be honest. Maybe some sleazy jazz club. I like the idea of the empire state at midnight. Not too pushed about restaurants - i wouldnt be a foodie. Dont know yet where exactly the hotel is - was just told its in Manhatten. NY Rangers are playing on the sat that i'm there - love to get tickets for that.

I went to a fantastic jazz club about 5 years ago - I'll get the name tonight. The Charlie Mingus band were playing - which is basically his band - minus CM. I think they're almost resident in the particular venue which again, was somewhere in Greenwich Village. Wasn't a sleazy club though - quite upmarket actually -you could imagine Sinatra lounging in one of the large semicircular purple velvety seats drinking champagne - that kind of place. Wasn't too expensive if I remember correctly - about $25? I'll check tonight if you are interested.

A lot of the typical tourist buildings in NY by the way can involve huge queues...
I'd agree with Caveat...Grenwich Village is very cool. Apart from that I'd stay around the Park. Grab a show and do some shopping and you can't go too wrong!
I'd agree with Caveat...Grenwich Village is very cool. Apart from that I'd stay around the Park. Grab a show and do some shopping and you can't go too wrong!

They only have a day, a show is a waste of shopping/sightseeing time.
did u stay out all night and where was open??
I wasnt under pressure to see everything in my 20 hours there as I had lived and worked there previously so had already seen everything.
This time I just went to 42nd street and had a wander, bought some clothes suitable for the humidity, and called into my favorite Japanese fast food restaurant Yoshinoya on 42nd street next to the subway and all the bright lights.

Then hit a few bars with a friend whos lived there for 4 years and just got married over there. Clubwise/Barwise where you go depends on the night of the week but theres always somewhere to go. 103 and Broadway has a few dive bars which can be a lot of fun.

If you havent been to New York before then a different plan is in order methinks...
I wasnt under pressure to see everything in my 20 hours there as I had lived and worked there previously so had already seen everything.
This time I just went to 42nd street and had a wander, bought some clothes suitable for the humidity, and called into my favorite Japanese fast food restaurant Yoshinoya on 42nd street next to the subway and all the bright lights.

Then hit a few bars with a friend whos lived there for 4 years and just got married over there. Clubwise/Barwise where you go depends on the night of the week but theres always somewhere to go. 103 and Broadway has a few dive bars which can be a lot of fun.

If you havent been to New York before then a different plan is in order methinks...

I have been 4 times only once without teenager though and only place we drank was in blarney Rock as it was near hotel.
Going drinking in New York sounds like a criminal waste of time if you've only 26 hours there. You can drink as much as you like once you get home.
Well can you answer the rest of this ? :)

Where do you arrive at '3pm' ? At the airport or at your accomodation ? Where is the accomodation located ? Is it on Manhattan next to a subway?... The subway runs all night. How many hours do you want to stay out after arriving ?...I'm assuming you may have to return to the airport for a connecting flight ? Basically how many hours can you allocate to seeing and experiencing Manhattan ?
Would you be looking for somewhere to eat , shopping or to do some fast sightseeing ?

If you want to see as much as possible of Manhattan then dont even bother to check in at your hotel. Shower and shave before your flight! If arriving in JFK then put your luggage in storage, head for the 'airtrain' [broken link removed] which is what they call the monorail which connects the airport with the subway. It costs 5 dollars to enter. Take the airtrain to Howard beach where it connects with the subway. From there you can see the whole of Manhattan! The subway costs only 2 dollars to enter. Once inside you can go wherever you want and its free to exit.
Pick up some subway maps along the way and study them well. has maps especially of the Manhattan subway and you should know in advance where you are arriving , staying and departing from.
It's important to do as much as possible before daylight fades and new opportunities replace old ones.
Take the Subway downtown to the end of Manhattan to South Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. To be in NYC and not see the Statue of Liberty is unpardonable !
Around south ferry there is a cruise you may take for a 1 or 2 hour tour of the coast complete with a guide who points out what everything is and its significance. There is also a speedboat tour which does it all in 20 or 30 mins to the sound of rock music being pumped out.
You may also get a boat to Liberty Island where the Statue of Liberty is but the queues and crowds there are pretty time consuming so you probably wouldnt have time.
From there you can hop back on the subway and get off at canal Street nearby and explore Chinatown.
Tip when buying anything simply walk away and look as disinterested as possible as they love to haggle. I've managed to get stuff for 15% of what they originally asked for. From there you can go to 12th Avenue and Greenwich village.
Theres just too much to write!. Depending on the date there may be special festivals,events (jazz or otherwise) happening on the night you arrive. Do some research You have 3 weeks to do it . You should also Google for a forum populated by New Yorkers and ask them their views.