Question about Irish Broadband DSL



Does anyone here happen to use IBB DSl and if you do what is the level of service like? Id prefer not to get wireless as i personally dont trust it and theres also the fact that i have yet to hear a good word about any wireless broadband service in Ireland. I already have a landline with eircom so theres no issues with line rental getting slapped onto the price.

Ive checked out the forums but theyre not very active and seemed to be very few people who had DSL from IBB however they all had something good to say. I realise Irish Broadband havent got a good reputation but this mainly seems to be in regards to their wireless offers or is their DSL offer equally as useless?

If anyone knows any other reliable providers please feel free to mention them, as i said im trying to avoid a wireless service but if im wrong in thinking that wireless is more unreliable than a wired connection then please inform me, never hurts to learn something new. Keep in mind that this is from view point of using broadband for voice comms/games rather than just websites.
All DSL services are normally good IMO.
Just if you get into trouble you'd probably be better off coming here (AAM) for help. Rather than listening to Mozart on the phone waiting on hold.
Try the give a rundown of prices, speeds once you enter your location. That's how i found my package. (Although whne i applied online for Imagine 2mb premium, they gave me the 1mb package and i had to pay a lousy 24.99 to be upgraded to the 2mb. I'm sure i was ripped off, but desperate times call for desperate measures :)) Just know what you want or they'll try to talk you into the package they want you have.
Most DSL services are simply ISPs reselling eircom's wholesale package although some ISPs now have their own equipment in exchanges or else sell on the wholesale products of other providers (e.g. UTV sell Cable & Wireless).
All DSL services are normally good IMO.
Just if you get into trouble you'd probably be better off coming here (AAM) for help. Rather than listening to Mozart on the phone waiting on hold.
Try the give a rundown of prices, speeds once you enter your location. That's how i found my package. (Although whne i applied online for Imagine 2mb premium, they gave me the 1mb package and i had to pay a lousy 24.99 to be upgraded to the 2mb. I'm sure i was ripped off, but desperate times call for desperate measures :)) Just know what you want or they'll try to talk you into the package they want you have.

Had a look at that site earlier it made no mention of IBB's DSL service just only its wireless options not really sure why. Would you know whether the contention figures on that site are accurate? It lists NTL as 17:1 which considering NTL's recent level of service i find it very hard to believe.

Most DSL services are simply ISPs reselling eircom's wholesale package although some ISPs now have their own equipment in exchanges or else sell on the wholesale products of other providers (e.g. UTV sell Cable & Wireless).

Not too sure if IBB are just reselling eircom if they were reselling an eircom package there should be a disconnect fee(info on that is a bit old might have stopped doing it considering how ridiculous it sounds). The prices for 2mb IBB and 2mb eircom are almost identical only difference being IBB offers an "unlimited"(hate it when ISPs say that since fair usage obviously means theres some degree of limitation) download rate.
I used to have IBB's DSL service. A bit unreliable. It would sometimes be down for days...

Currently I use Clearwire and it's fine. It's a little bit slower than IBB but there's been no downtime so far (6 months?)
I used to have IBB's DSL service. A bit unreliable. It would sometimes be down for days...

Currently I use Clearwire and it's fine. It's a little bit slower than IBB but there's been no downtime so far (6 months?)

When did you have IBB and was the downtime right from the start or was it stable for a while?