NTL wont stop ringing me to sell phone lines: have NTL tv and broadband


Registered User
have NTL tv and broadband for c. 20 months. no complaints...

NTL now ring me at least once a week, trying to sell me telephone lines, usually at 9 at night or later.

with each call i get angrier. I've told them on several occasions that if they ring me again i'll cancel my business with them and so forth - makes no odds, they keep ringing. i've asked them to remove me from their contact people list etc - they say this is not possible.

I'm actually quite happy with the products i have, they just wont stop ringing me.

any way to sort this out short of canceling NTL's service?
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

I've told them on several occasions that if they ring me again i'll cancel my business with them

any way to sort this out short of canceling NTL's service?

If you are going to make "threats" to them then you really should be carrying them out.
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

Get yourself on the National Directory Database opt-out register by phoning your service provider (dial 1901 if it's Eircom)
This link [broken link removed] tells you about it.

This pdf http://www.comreg.ie/_fileupload/publications/Comreg0603.pdf tells you how to report a company if the calls continue.

Or you could tell the telemarketer that you're relaxing for the evening but if they'd care to give you their home number, you'll call them at a time that suits you ;)
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

On the other hand, they occasionally ring us and ask for details to forward on info re telephone service. They promise all sorts of things by e-mail and that's the last we hear of it. Since the merger/move from Waterford their inefficiency knows no bounds ............ :(
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

they rang me once... i was in India so it was 3am and costing me €3.50 a minute..... the responce they got seems to have put them off rining again :p
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

Step 1. Blow a whistle as hard as you can down the phone
Step 2. say "Sorry there must be something wrong with the line", then repeat steps 1. & 2. until they hang up. :D
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

do what i do ask the person ringing for their personal phone number when they say why just tell them you want to ring them every five minutes....

It usually works

If you get very angry you can add in a few curses and they do get the message
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

I used to have a telemarketing company ringing four or five times a day from the UK...they drove me demented.

I finally asked to speak to the manager and asked him not to ring again. The manager apologised and they never rang again. I'm not saying it will be so easy with NTL but have you tried asking to speak to the manager? That's disgraceful to be ringing people so late. Just because they have late working hours it doesn't mean you should have to suffer. I'd be really annoyed at that. Alternatively, just pick up the phone and one you've established it's them just put the phone aside and the call will cost them money but you won't have to listen to them. If you waste their money, maybe they'll stop. Eventually.
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

I've had a go at them a few times because they were ringing so often. Often we'd get two calls from different sales people within an hour of each other. Seems to have worked they don't call now.
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

thanks for the tips.

have penned a letter to their head of sales advising that if his staff ring me again i'll cancel all services - which i will actually do this time.
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

listen folks....theres no point in trying to communicate with NTL. They dont seem to be people-just a machine.
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

They don't ring me but I constantly get letters from them. They called to my door 3 times & I told them I wasn't interested I'm quite happy with Sky.

Their letters go straight in the bin.....at least junk mail is easier to deal with than having to answer the phone !!

My point being that they're persistent in whatever way they decide to bombard you.
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

Suggest you say "Just hold on a moment", leave the phone off the hook and replace it 10 minutes later. They'll get the message!
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

they ring me quite a bit too - usually when I answer and someone says 'its blah blah from NTL' I interrupt with 'sorry Im waiting on an important call' and hang up.
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

Wish they'd bloody well ring me! I've emailed three times to customer support and rang twice in the past month about the bad reception from cable over the past few months. Seems to me that they have no problem communicating when selling but they won't come back to you when you've a complaint.
Re: NTL wont stop ringing me

have NTL tv and broadband for c. 20 months. no complaints...

NTL now ring me at least once a week, trying to sell me telephone lines, usually at 9 at night or later.

with each call i get angrier. I've told them on several occasions that if they ring me again i'll cancel my business with them and so forth - makes no odds, they keep ringing. i've asked them to remove me from their contact people list etc - they say this is not possible.

I'm actually quite happy with the products i have, they just wont stop ringing me.

any way to sort this out short of canceling NTL's service?

We went through this for a time with one of the teleco companies. Similar to others above, we also used to ask them to wait a minute, leave down the phone (without hanging up) on the telephone table and just walk away! The calls stopped. Also, with their junk mail, and that from others (e.g. freebie local newspapers, Chorus and supermarket and Domino Pizza handouts, politicians circulars dumped in our porch). Just collect it all, readdress everything to the relevant MD or CEO, mark it "unsolicited mail" and stick them in a post box. They are charged by An Post!