Garden Slugs


Registered User
Hi Folks,

I have a small front and back garden. I have put a lot of work into it and it looks good with many different flowers growing throughout the year.
However I have a huge slug problem, in that they can eat a newly planted bedding flower in 2 days (right down to the stump).
I am hesitant to use slug pellets as they supposidly kill more than slugs and the whole idea of mass slug and other small creature killing does not sit well with me as they all have a part to play in the garden.

What I need is something that can either keep them away from certain areas or from certain flowers and is non toxic, any help would be much appreciated.
You should look for iron III phosphate as the main ingredient in whatever you choose......
Cut the top off some beer cans and sink them into the ground (to ground level) and half fill them with beer. They will be full every morning!
Warning: Even though they drowned in beer it's still not ok to eat them.
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Have you anything that they hid in, like say ivy or other climbers or dense plants? I had a huge slug problem and tried everything but cleared the ivy away and that almost totally got rid of the problem - give them no where to hide!
1. Salt is fatal, even in small quantities
2. You can use diluted fruit crush or even sugar & water mix, cut the neck off a plastic bottle, bury it so that the top is at ground level - they can't resist jumping in or maybe slithering in
3. Sprinkle broken egg shells - they won't cross them, likewise sand, sawdust, animal or human hair
Put some beer in a shallow container, the slugs will sense the smell nad climb into container and die, it does work
Don't bother with eggshells, soot, cinders, vermiculite, they didn't work with mine. Beer is your only man.
There is a copper mesh strip for sale at garden centres but it must be placed so the slugs can't slide underneath.
Thanks all for the replies, beer seems to be the one!!! Now lets hope they like miller, have loads of it in the fridge.

Thanks again everyone
Aside from beer, slugs (& snails) also love brown bread. Unfortunately it doesn't kill them, but it might fill them up. I think slugs & snails will be talking about this summer for years to come. There's millions of them in my garden with all the rain.
if there is such a thing as reincarnation i wouldn't mind coming back as a slug and drowning in beer! :)
Hi all. My garden (lawn mainly) is covered with the bloody things on the damp evenings, I have a feeling they are coming from underneath the decking. I don't want to use pellets as I'm sure these aren't tooo wildlife friendly and I recently used a load of salt which obviously destroys the buggers but also succeeded in killing my grass! Anybody got any better ideas?
Re: Slugs

My parents used to put down small trays of beer or ale, like an empty chinese food carton half full for a few nights, slugs and snails apparently love it, they'd slide up for a drink and fall over the edge and that was the end of them. Seemed to work but maybe we just had thirsty ones!!
I've merged these two threads just to keep all the tips in one place.
We had ducks when we were children. They did a great job on the slugs and snails.

I would suggest nematodes as the easiest solution that isn't going to pose a threat to any other creatures.