parking fine advice required


Registered User
I recived a parking fine on the 10/3. I had paid for a parking slip but had not placed the slip in a visible part of the car. I returned to by car to find a 40 euro fine. I appealed the decision enclosing the slip. I received notification my appeal had being rejected on the 23/7 due to the slip not being put onto the dashboard like instructed. The fine was also increased to 60 euro for reasons unknown. What I want to know is can I appeal this further or should I take my chances in court?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Doesn't the wording on these tickets state the fine is for the non display of a parking disk/ticket not the actual non payment? Thats the actual issue.
Just pay the fine. I can't see how you can even prove you had the parking ticket at the time if it's one of the scratch off ones.
Had something similiar whereby, my disc was on the dashboard but i had parked earlier on the same steet (not same space) and I found to my cost that I must move my car completely from that street for a given period before i could park there again. I appealed, because I had payed and displayed, fine went to 60, was about to go to 90 when I rang and said if i just pay the original 40 would they accept it and they did. so bite the bullet send in your €40 and at least save the €20 extra. There is no negotiation with these people
I appealed, because I had payed and displayed, fine went to 60, was about to go to 90 when I rang and said if i just pay the original 40 would they accept it and they did. .... There is no negotiation with these people
Surely your case proves that there is indeed negotiation with "these people"!? :confused:
Mrs Cu received a parking ticket for parking in a school bus space. During the Easter school holidays. wrote a letter to local town council saying that she was aware the school was closed and that if the fine was upheld it would effectively mean that that space could not be used during the school summer holidays, mid-term breaks and Christmas school holidays etc. heard no more about it. that was over 2 years ago so assume someone with a bit of sense dealt with it. The road is very wide and the school is a secondary school in the centre of town and like a lot of schools they lock up shop completely when on holidays. there was absolutely no chance that she was blocking a school bus from parking there as there was absolutely no chance of any bus being required during the school holiday. over zealous traffic warden.
Surely your case proves that there is indeed negotiation with "these people"!?

I guess your right, they threatened higher penalties so i paid the original price, my last port of 'negotiation' would have been the courthouse so I just gave in
What is the situation with loading bays. If a sign is up at a loading bay, stating goods vehicles only, Mon - Sat 9-6, can you park in a loading bay at all other times?
can you park in a loading bay at all other times

Yes, but be careful that there is not a street-level restriction also.
I parked in a loading bay on a Sunday which was legitimate according to the times posted on the loading bay sign. However, the local authority had just recently posted a sign at the entrance to the street that there was no parking anywhere on the street after 11am.

Never saw it, and so got nabbed.
I parked in a loading bay on a Sunday which was legitimate according to the times posted on the loading bay sign. However, the local authority had just recently posted a sign at the entrance to the street that there was no parking anywhere on the street after 11am.

Surely the local authority should have changed the sign at the loading bay?
Surely the local authority should have changed the sign at the loading bay?

Indeed. I was so sure a mistake had been made (last Sunday before Christmas and was as busy as a weekday in town, I was sure the garda/warden had mistaken the day of the week), so I appealed it before paying the fine. At this point I was still not aware of the new sign when you enter the street.

The response to my appeal was not "sorry but there is a sign on the street which overrides the sign you saw".

The response was "your appeal has been rejected".

It was only when I drove down there again to see what I was missing, that I discovered my mistake.

Parker beware.
i received a fine in the post for parking on double yellow lines in dublin 4 weeks ago. now i live and work down the country and i had the car at work that day. I rang the fixed charges office and tried to explain that it could not have been my car that was parked but they would'nt listen and told me to get on to the superint. in the garda station. I rang them to explain my story and i was told that "Time doesnt wait when you are querying a parking fine". On the fine it stated that I had 28 days to pay it. The Garda told me to write in to explain the story and i did that. Do the Gardai not write down the make and color of car when giving out fines? i can understand someone making a mistake with the reg. no. but if they had make and color then they surely could tell me straight away that it was ok and a case of mistaken identity.
The fine was also increased to 60 euro for reasons unknown.

The reasons are stated on the fine notice you received in the post. If you pay your fine within 28 days of the notice date, it will cost you €40. After that it goes up to €60 for another 28 days. If you still don't pay, you will be summoned to court.

i received a fine in the post for parking on double yellow lines in dublin 4 weeks ago. now i live and work down the country and i had the car at work that day. I rang the fixed charges office and tried to explain that it could not have been my car that was parked but they would'nt listen and told me to get on to the superint. in the garda station. I rang them to explain my story and i was told that "Time doesnt wait when you are querying a parking fine". On the fine it stated that I had 28 days to pay it. The Garda told me to write in to explain the story and i did that. Do the Gardai not write down the make and color of car when giving out fines? i can understand someone making a mistake with the reg. no. but if they had make and color then they surely could tell me straight away that it was ok and a case of mistaken identity.

This used to happen around my office all the time. The warden now takes pictures of illegaly parked vehicles. ;)
even if gone past the point of a summons being issued, there is still a chance of the case being pulled - I may have first hand experience of this by tomorrow, and will give an update then.
Don't worry about the timing too much. In our case, we received two fines for one parking offence. We paid one fine at the time (still thinking the two fines were duplicates) and were surprised to be still summoned to court.

In fact, one fine was for an offence noted by a traffic warden (Local City Council) and the other was from a Garda. The timing of the two offences were 20 minutes apart. Apparently in this area, wardens no longer leave tickets on the window, so when the Garda came on the scene 20 minutes later, he thought he was first to nab us for the offence and left a ticket on the window.

Now that we are 1 month from the court date, we contacted the Garda, explained the situation and he is happy that because the time gap between the two offences is only 20 minutes, he is happy to treat them as one (fine already paid) and will have the case dropped in court. We don't need to show up.

Message: If you can explain your case to the prosecuting Garda or his Super, and you are lucky (like us) to be dealing with someone genuinely interested in saving us all unnecessary bother, your case can be pulled. So even if your letter to the Super takes time to process, don't worry in the meantime if a summons arrives in the post. Sometimes reason does apply.