Galway races - Dress code?


Registered User
Am heading down to the Galway races next Wednesday and for Ladies day on Thursday. Haven't been before so wondering about the dress code. I know there is no official policy but would like to know what the norm is. Is it casual or shirt and tie affair?
Thursday is the real dress-up day. For women taking it seriously hats are a must. If you're a man you're's easy to look smart without going OTT. To be honest on most days you'll find people dressed to the nines...

Having said that I've gone in the past in jeans.......but that's because you wouldn't find me dead in a hat ! Perhaps that's where I went wrong as quite a few women have met their (millionaire) hubbies there. It's a great place to hook up with the seriously wealthy.

The Galway Races is about so much more than racing it all depends on (a) the crowd you're going with & (b) if you're hoping to impress the ladies or just have fun or (c) if you're seriously interested in the horses. (If the latter, any tips are welcome )

My advice is to go reasonably smartly dressed (ie. you see lots of jackets with jeans/chinos etc.) rather than out & out casual. Remember you'll probably be heading out for the night directly after so the clothes should suit your style of nightlife also. Don't forget an umbrella if this weather keeps up !
Wednesday and especially Thursday are the 2 "dressy" days.

Smart casual is perfect on either of these days for everybody.

Whatever you do, don't turn up after Thursday dressed up - it is very casual and wearing a hat will be very OTT.
