RTE reporting of recent market "turmoil"


Registered User
Anyone else notice that RTE's recent reporting of the stock market turmoil has been way over the top. Any cursory glance at the various major indices shows little volatility at the moment, except with the ISEQ which is taking it in the neck due to its haevy weighting of bank stocks. True, the financial sector in the US has been hit due to the subprime loan mess, but it effects on the Dow and the S&P500 have been offset by strong performance in other sectors - hardly the doomsday scenario RTE have been presenting to us in the name of news. China, Japan, the UK and Germany all have been fairly quiet recently - indeed, after their rant last night as to how bad things were, the RTE news showed market data for the UK (down 15 points, less than a quater of a percent) and the US (Dow and Nasdaq up almost half a percent)!!!

They are becoming more and more tabloid in their analysis of events and rarely present any in-depth examination of their chosen topics. Sensationalism and scare-mongering are the order of the day.

I hardly ever agree with our politicos when they whinge about the bad press their policies get, but in this case I think they are spot-on when they say that media are talking us into a recession.
Indeed - RTEs news department seems to be suffering a bit these days. On the radio this morning they were asking people to make contact with them to tell their stories (i.e. write the content) for a feature to be broadcast tomorrow.

It's fine for Joe Duffy to ask listeners to ring in with their views, but I think it's a bit strange to be touting for content like this in the middle of a news program.

On the plus side - their evening (non-news) line-up is much improved at the moment. I regularly turned off RTE1 in the evenings for a while when it seemed that all they seemed to be doing was carrying programs on various illnesses and conditions followed by drama content that sounded exactly like the last play they put on, followed by Vincent Browne sighing and acting generally exasperated at his 'guests/victims'.

This has been replaced for the summer by a lot of good music and moreover interested and knowledgeable presenters chatting away. If this is the summer stand-in schedule, may we have a long summer.

Indeed - RTEs news department seems to be suffering a bit these days. On the radio this morning they were asking people to make contact with them to tell their stories (i.e. write the content) for a feature to be broadcast tomorrow.
Not just on the radio!

40 year mortgages ?
a lot of good music
A pretty subjective assessment I would have thought? Usually translates as "music that I like".
A pretty subjective assessment I would have thought? Usually translates as "music that I like".

Are people not entitled to be subjective ?

Is there an objective way of defining 'good music' ?

On the radio this morning they were asking people to make contact with them to tell their stories (i.e. write the content) for a feature to be broadcast tomorrow.
Oh God! They're at that now too?

I thought tv3 was bad enough, and they're so arrogant they even use up air-time (news time) to ask for us to send in stories.
Is it just laziness or do they genuinely have difficulty recruiting (good)reporters? I'd love to know.

NB - pity they don't allow us to set the progamme line up for the rest of the day, I might even start watching RTE again if that was the case.:)