Bag and tag Dublin Airport

If you happen to be up some (other) morning at 0400 have a look at the aircoach website here - - they have a live position link at the top which shows you (via GPS positioning) the location of the buses. This will give you an idea of how many they have on the road at that time.

If you happen to be up some (other) morning at 0400 have a look at the aircoach website here - - they have a live position link at the top which shows you (via GPS positioning) the location of the buses. This will give you an idea of how many they have on the road at that time.

That's a very good system, who'd have thought!!
Sorry can't help with the Bag and Tag question, but having gone through Dublin airport last Thursday morning, I'd suggest being there for 5am, not 5.30am! Plan on having breaky there! Security is crazy at the moment, and although we were there 90 min before our flight the queues as security were 60 min and we only just made our flight - a number of people were offloaded from the flight after they didn't make it!

We went away beginning of june and despite being there 3 hours before our flight as requested, we just about had time to run through duty free and I do mean run as the plane was boarding.