Feelgood story of the day

That's all because this 'Saving Planet Earth' frenzy is a big Denial Trip!
And the animals know it.
Vanilla - this is the entire story:
Will Young is attacked by a gorilla
Singer Will Young has been attacked by a gorilla while filming for the 'Saving Planet Earth' television series.
The former 'Pop Idol' star told The Sun newspaper: "One of the gorillas kept making this noise that meant she fancied me."
"It didn't go down to well with the males. One gave me this look out of the corner of his eye and flung a huge rock against the fence right in front of my face," he said.

Young was visiting a gorilla orphanage in Cameroon when the incident occurred.

(I left the spelling as it was....)
Somebody who actually wanted to find out rather than just flaunt their ignorance of a minor celebrity would surely have or checked Wikipedia?
Maybe they were being ironic?
But even so i can't blame you Vanilla.

Will Young is a violent man, maybe the gorilla can claim self-defence?;)
Somebody who actually wanted to find out rather than just flaunt their ignorance of a minor celebrity would surely have or checked Wikipedia?

Sn@kebite got it- I was being ironic. I did google him. However thanks to ClubMan for pointing that out. Flaunting one's ignorance of a minor celebrity ( especially if, as in my case, it was not merited) is indeed a rather annoying and self-regarding stance.