The Pearl Fishers - would you recommend?


Registered User
I have never been to an Opera. The Pearl Fishers is coming to the Gaiety. I do love music, in general, and I particularly love the best known duet from this particular opera. Other than that I know nothing about this opera or any opera. To those of you who know about these things, is The Pearl Fishers a good place to start if I want to start taking an interest in Opera? Would welcome advice please.
Well - it's being sung in the original French - it's not clear from the website whether or not there will be 'surtitles' to translate.

Personally, I always think its better when the opera is sung in the language it was written for (i.e. not in English). I saw another production of this years ago and enjoyed it, but am not sure if it's a good one for a first opera experience. My recommendation is always for 'La Boheme' or maybe one of the Mozart ones - it's very much an acquired (and addictive) taste.

But, having said that - we don't have a huge choice in Dublin, so why not give it a try ?
I'm no expert but I do have a passing interest in things "operatic" - my opinion and one I have heard from other people is that as an opera "Les Pecheurs de perles" is only ok, and there's not much too it besides that famous duet (which is one of my favorites) and that Bizet's other opera "Carmen" is much more approachable.
Have to agree with EuroDilbert.....The Pearl Fishers is probably not one to dip your toe with !
Many thanks for all that (and I agree with you Trish)! I won't start with The Pearl Fishers then. When I do start, what is the usual dress code? Is it evening dress (as we see in movies or on TV when someone goes to the Opera)?
Many thanks for all that (and I agree with you Trish)! I won't start with The Pearl Fishers then. When I do start, what is the usual dress code? Is it evening dress (as we see in movies or on TV when someone goes to the Opera)?

With a few exceptions, it's normally just whatever you would wear going to the theatre.
(Exceptions would be the Wexford Opera festival and some gala performances - usually held in 'Big Houses'). I've often gone in T-Shirt and Jeans.
The dress code, if any, will nearly aways be stated on the website and tickets anyway.

Just to revisit my earlier recommendations, unless you've a particular choice in mind, I'd start with something by Puccini or Mozart.
If it's the Anna Livia production, there weren't surtitles in the last production I was at (as far as I could see from where I was, on the stage!).