upgrade to first class from business class


Registered User
flying to Australia business class next month (not paying for it myself). What is the best chance of getting upgrade to first class? Any ideas?
"the best chance".. pay for it!.. no seriously I done the same flight business class not so long ago and tried to upgrade too without any success.. You either need a boat load of air miles (make sure you join a scheme if you are not already a member) or to strike it very very lucky with the check-in person... no harm in asking!
If you're very lucky and are a good blagger then you might manage it for free but the chances are generally very slim.
Have been upgraded from business to first on that route (BA/Qantas) on a few occasions! Mind you I did the journey very frequently for work and personal purposes!

For free upgrade, my advice is:

Its always best if you are travelling alone.
Dress smart casual.
Ask when you check in.
Ask again when you get to the gate.

I was upgraded twice because I asked, another time, I was upgraded because I was in a seat that broke up a family of six in business. To give them more space I was requested to kindly get my ass to first class!

Good luck! Consider yourself very lucky though to be in business as cattle on that route is painful!
Yes, I think sometimes if they're over booked, a few people get bumped up. Has never happened me. It helps if you're a frequent flyer with the airline, a lone traveler, turn up early and are dressed reasonably well.
flying to Australia business class next month (not paying for it myself). What is the best chance of getting upgrade to first class? Any ideas?

Don't stress yourself too much , enjoy business class it's generally pretty nice on most airlines now.

The difference between First & Business is a lot less than the difference between Business & Economy. You're already going to have a comfortable trip anyway .. don't stress yourself out trying to get upgraded beyond that, if it happens it happens, but it's probalby unlikely enough.
If you are flying Qantas/BA they actually have beds in Business that you can lie down on. You just get an ok blanket and pillow though!

In first class you are waited on hand and foot, almost to the point of embarrassment in my opinion! First time I was an 'imposter' in first class I didn't realise the effort that went into making you comfortable in your bed. It was a late evening flight and I had the starter at dinner..Didn't feel great so quietly mentioned that I'd be going to sleep....The guy serving dinner went slightly red in the face, stopped the dinner service and went to great trouble to hand me my PJs, send me off the bathroom with my toiletry bag and when I came back had the most beautiful bed made up for me with sheets and a duvet...I didn't realise they want to that kind of effort...I would have kept quiet otherwise!
I thought you were going to say that he got in beside you too! :D

Did he at least read you a story?
Clubman, he was indeed quite handsome, but I'm pretty sure he was batting for the other team! He offered the story but I just wanted to hide!
Do people still get upgraded from economy to first class? Im flying my first long haul flight next week and just curious that if i did have the courage to ask if there was a possibility to be upgraded would i be laughed at?
Do people still get upgraded from economy to first class? Im flying my first long haul flight next week and just curious that if i did have the courage to ask if there was a possibility to be upgraded would i be laughed at?

Asking is of course free (and shouldn't really take much courage :) ), but success is very unlikely.

For an airline to upgrade someone for free from economy to a higher class it would normally require economy to be full and seats to be available in a higher class .. and even then they're likely to do it on frequent flyer status and fare paid rather than those who just ask.
Do people still get upgraded from economy to first class? Im flying my first long haul flight next week and just curious that if i did have the courage to ask if there was a possibility to be upgraded would i be laughed at?

Economy to first class happens next to never. Upgrade policies tend to be one class up only ie economy to business or business to first.

If you read the upgrade threads on tripadvisor or flyertalk you'll see that asking for an upgrade is usually a way to guarantee you won't get one. Earlier poster here must be an exception!

As another poster said, upgrades when available are generally offered to fliers with frequent flyer status. Many airlines will fly with empty seats in Business/First rather than unnecessarily upgrade someone. Have a look at your airline's website and see the price difference for the ticket and you'll see why. Even business can three-ten times the economy price on long haul, first up to twenty times.
Getting married next week and flying off on Honeymoon on following Sunday. Anyone have any experience of getting upgraded by explaining your on your honeymoon?? Just a thought!
firstly the honeymoon one rarely works if you are going to a honeymoon destination, like mauritius... A friend in the industry told me that on one flight they had something like 47 newly married couples! She also advised that a lot of airline now have their staff justify why people were upgraded, in case family of crew are being giving preferential treatment....
I once got upgraded economy to business, after being delayed at check in for nearly an hour... a family ahead didn't bring any passports, and by the time it was sorted we have 15 min to get to the gate! All 8 of us who got trapped behind this family got upgraded.... But not a route i'd recommend, as it was really looking like we wouldn't make the flight at all... But well worth it for a night time 8 hour flight.... nice space to relax and sleep!
I think best recommendation is join the frequent flyer club for the airline, check in early, be pleasant to the check in staff, you might not get the upgrade but might get the nice exit seat with extra leg room.