Joe Public - Anti Money Laundering Obligations?


Registered User
I understand that the likes of banks/accountants/solicitors/financial advisers etc have certain obligations to report any suspicion of fraud or money laundering, but does Joe Public have any obligation in this regard?
Isn't there a general onus on citizens to report any crime that they witness of have grounds to suspect is being perpetrated?
I don't know.

I believe that many people who would report suspicion of violence, abuse, or theft etc would not even think of reporting white collar crime. White collar crime is different, isn't it! Sure who's it hurting? Isn't that what we all think!.

Our leaders aren't exactly leading us by example in this regard now are they?

You just have to look at the shameful going's on of the last 2 days to see how our government feels about white collar crime. It's not important! It doesn't matter.
I don't know.
I think that there is.
Isn't that what we all think!.
No - I'm sure that not everybody thinks that way.
Our leaders aren't exactly leading us by example in this regard now are they?
Sorry - what are you on about?
You just have to look at the shameful going's on of the last 2 days to see how our government feels about white collar crime. It's not important! It doesn't matter.
Oh - you want to rant? Moved to Letting Off Steam so. You can rejoin the discussion when you have become a frequent poster.
But if someone is drowning or being attacked for example, is there a legal obligation for a citizen who observes it to assist or to inform the guards/Firebrigade/someone ? Can someone be legally guilty for doing nothing ?