Article on Beverly Flynn

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"Shameful though that is, I'd prefer an all-male Dail than to see a woman with her track record and outlook promoted. Politicians like her give others a bad name."

Considering the large number of male politicians who are either arrogant or downright crooks and sometimes both, this seems to be a strange statement to make.
"Shameful though that is, I'd prefer an all-male Dail than to see a woman with her track record and outlook promoted. Politicians like her give others a bad name."

Considering the large number of male politicians who are either arrogant or downright crooks and sometimes both, this seems to be a strange statement to make.

I can understand your point but I think she's just trying to say that of the few women represented it's v. unfortunate that BF is one of them.

I suppose technically it means that a higher percentage of female dáil members have a bad track record than male!
Considering the large number of male politicians who are either arrogant or downright crooks
I would dispute the assertion that a large number of our politicians are crooks but if you have any hard facts (and not just rumour or innuendo) to back that up I am open to correction.
I know very little about Beverly Flynn, so I am certainly not going to defend her in a general way.

I will say this: there is little or no genuine investigative journalism in Ireland. At editorial level, a newspaper decides to look for a scalp. Having selected a victim, they then they do all in their power to bring someone down. When they succeed (as they usually do), they attribute this to 'good investigative journalism'. It is in my opinion an abuse of power. It is the reason why Brian Cowen feels obliged to call to Tony O'Reilly's house during an election campaign.

The 'scoop' on the front page of the Independent today is in its essence that somebody bought a site on which planning permission had first been obtained by somebody else. There is no suggestion at all of anything illegal. Outside the Greater Dublin Area, you can't drive around any part of rural Ireland without seeing signs such as "site for sale" or "Site for sale - local needs only" or "Site for sale - No Clauses" festooning every junction. I personally disagree with the planning policies which allow this to happen, but we live in a democracy, so I have to accept it.

Will the Irish Independent now "out" anybody else who has bought a site on which somebody else first got planning? They had better be prepared to carry no other news on the front page for the next couple of years. Will this list include all of the great and the good at the Irish Independent itself?
More on BCF in today's indo, dodegy practices with planning for the holiday home alledgely. Looks like the Indo are building up a head of steam, wonder where they're going with this.
More on BCF in today's indo, dodegy practices with planning for the holiday home alledgely.

Like MOB, I could see no sign of anything dodgy in the story outlined in that article. So what if an old lady received planning permission on a site and sold it to BCF's "boyfriend".

Anyone who sells a site for residential development without first getting planning permission on it is a mug. I would guess that hundreds of thousands of sites all over the country have been sold in recent years after the owner received planning permission.
I read todays article in the Indo. As MOB says on the face of it there is no reason why BCF's SO could not buy the site with planning permission. There were no planning restrictions. There is no evidence of dodgy practice. There is a lot of innuendo. I think that the Indo have BCF in their sights as a most newsworthy creature and I suspect they've their own agenda.

More on BCF in today's indo, dodegy practices with planning for the holiday home alledgely. Looks like the Indo are building up a head of steam, wonder where they're going with this.

I'd say there is still a lot of ill feeling from journalists toward Beverly after she tried (and failed) to sue RTE for reporting on the part she played in helping some people avoid tax. I'd imagine that the press will continue their slur campaign against her over the coming weeks as RTE proceeds with its actions to make her bankrupt. As the law stands, if she's bankrupt, she can't be a TD.
now I remember why I don't read the 1st year english essays were better written - and I never got better than a C.
I'm a bit confused about Bev's situation.
As I understood it, she was originally accused of opening off shore accounts for people. Was it Beverly the bank clerk that dreamt up this scheme, or was she doing what her employers instructed her to do? If she hadn't sued RTE and lost would it all be now forgotten about?
Can RTE refuse to accept her offer to pay in installments? Surely once you agree to pay your debt in whatever way you can, your creditor is happier to get their money, than to see you declared bankrupt and get nothing?
Well my opinion is everyone who did wrong should be thrown out and possibly flogged in public Singapore style.
Whether Bev is being picked on individually I dont know and dont care. This kind of 'individuality' issue only raises another isssue about press power (not about her innocence) but as I see it if the press decide to do something right once in a while they cant exactly be faulted for that. They should be doing it more often which is the argument with which they, the press, should be attacked. Bev obviously made a mistake in a big boys game and these are the consequences.
One down but where are the rest of them? Loneliness is hardly a defence.
Does caught red handed white collar criminal = victim now ?
What I do care about is if others who did wrong are being ignored which seems to be an argument for defending Beverly isnt it the old tired cliche ' sure everyones doing it.' She must have known she was doing wrong. Just consider who her father is. She wasnt raised on the side of the road.
She is alledged to have encouraged \ advised people to evade (illegal) and not "avoid" (legal) taxation with the use of bogus non resident accounts. I voted FF, but the chance of BCF returning to FF makes me sick. Her arrogance and sheer brass neck is breath taking. However given her pedigree (Pee's appearance on the LLS springs to mind) why should we be surprised? I feel sorry for the true FF members in Mayo who are going to be stabbed in the back by Bertie when she is reappointed. I wonder is it anything to do with Pee's upcoming appearance at the tribunal?

"Class act" my backside!!!!!
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