What's a goose room?


Registered User
Just looking at Monte Alverno, for sale in Dalkey at a mere twenty five million euro. [broken link removed]=

Apparently it has a day/goose room, and I'm wondering is this something I really need? I don't know what it's supposed to be for, but my mind is speculating wildly. If one person wishes to goose another, are both parties supposed to enter the day/goose room for this act to be carried out? Or is it where one keeps the live poultry?

Sadly the house is not on general view, I'd love to have a gander at it ;)
Just looking at Monte Alverno, for sale in Dalkey at a mere twenty five million euro. [broken link removed]=

Apparently it has a day/goose room, and I'm wondering is this something I really need?
Haven't a clue but next time I'm down that way I'll have a gander and let you know what I see.
From a property supplement write-up on this property:

"The Goose Room - so called for its seasonal view of migrating geese through more French windows - is a third reception room with lots of space to lounge around the fireplace. ...."
I must put my "palace" on the market; I have a "Pidgeon Room" (where you can observe pidgeons in nearby mature trees), a "Linen Room" (where you can watch the laundry drying on the clothes line) and a "Green Room" (where you can observe a public open green space), how lucky am I?
I must put my "palace" on the market; I have a "Pidgeon Room" (where you can observe pidgeons in nearby mature trees), a "Linen Room" (where you can watch the laundry drying on the clothes line) and a "Green Room" (where you can observe a public open green space), how lucky am I?
In my last house I had a ridin' room where you could look into the neighbours bedroom and ... never mind
My old apartment had a 'mugging room' with a good view of someone being mugged in the laneway below :D