EBS not offering incentives to existing customers


Registered User
A bit of a rant here,
We have a mortgage with EBS since 2003, I have started looking into switching my mortgage.
I rang the local manager of our branch and I asked him that with all the new incentives for new customes would he be willing to do something for us..
He informed me the he couldn't and there is nothing in the pipeline!!

Now I hear the new EBS add offering new customers €1000 if they switch!!

What about us the existing customers I say! Now I am looking in to switching mortgages - and I have no issue with that - but what about a new concept where by bank when enticing new customers to them would also incentivise existing customers.......
I'll join you in your rant. Im disappointed with the customer service lately in the EBS. The new branch in liffey Street to which I have been shunted from Westmoreland Street is tiny by comparison and theres no way the same number of customers can use it comfortably.
I wanted to talk with someone about my summit funds but its impossible to have a general talk with an adviser without waiting a few days or a week for an appointment. It used to be there was always someone around to talk to. The whole friendlier atmosphere of a mutual has been lost lately I think. If they are not careful they will become like the INBS.

Maybe its just my perception alone I don't know.
That's because they got rid of all their experienced staff in cutbacks over the past 10 years. I knew someone who worked there and apparently it was quite bloody and nasty. Most branches are now "tied agents", living off commission. They couldn't grow the business so they grew the bottom line by cutting back.
I agree that customer service seems to have been lost in the race to improve the bottom line.

If you add no customer incentives to poor savings interest rates, fewer branches, especially in Dublin city, no direct debits (for accts opened after 1999 I think?), no laser cards (unless you asked pre-1999), ATM cards which only work with AIB, no coins accepted, no foreign currency accepted or sold....hmm, wonder why I'm still there?!

Think I'll check out the dancing Halifax boys :D

My rant over, Thanks pinkyBear for starting it off!
Sign - what is wrong with the INBS? I have just switched my savings over to them -5% interest .
A bit of a rant here,
We have a mortgage with EBS since 2003, I have started looking into switching my mortgage.
I rang the local manager of our branch and I asked him that with all the new incentives for new customes would he be willing to do something for us..
He informed me the he couldn't and there is nothing in the pipeline!!

Now I hear the new EBS add offering new customers €1000 if they switch!!

What about us the existing customers I say! Now I am looking in to switching mortgages - and I have no issue with that - but what about a new concept where by bank when enticing new customers to them would also incentivise existing customers.......
As an EBS member you should voice your complaints to the society - e.g. in writing now or in person at a general meeting.
Sign - what is wrong with the INBS? I have just switched my savings over to them -5% interest .

I've heard a few bad things about the INBS.
Maybe this is just rumor but for years I've heard how INBS was uncompetitive and people would be paying mortgage interest at way over the odds even over the last 10 years as they were tied into contracts with big penalties.
If they become competitive only lately with one or 2 products that doesnt exactly absolve them of their previous lifetime of sins. INBS has always put profits first and mutuality last. They have been pretending to be a mutual for a very long number of years.

Back to the EBS , I am so disappointed with them. Its great to bank with a mutual which works but I dont see what benefit they are bringing to the marketplace at all. The staff have been stabbed in the back by management who cut back on everything which made the EBS different and unique.

My summit funds will shortly be cashed in
(By the way I'd appreciate any further advice on this thread
http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=57119&highlight=global+leaders+fund )

And as a home for my cash savings I dont see the point of the EBS.

Just look at what gipimann said . Its all true ! :(

If you add no customer incentives to poor savings interest rates, fewer branches, especially in Dublin city, no direct debits (for accts opened after 1999 I think?), no laser cards (unless you asked pre-1999), ATM cards which only work with AIB, no coins accepted, no foreign currency accepted or sold....hmm, wonder why I'm still there?!
If you add no customer incentives to poor savings interest rates, fewer branches, especially in Dublin city, no direct debits (for accts opened after 1999 I think?), no laser cards (unless you asked pre-1999), ATM cards which only work with AIB, no coins accepted, no foreign currency accepted or sold....hmm, wonder why I'm still there?!

That is so unbelievable - I dont bank with EBS but I do have a mortgage, to be honest I personaly think after reading your post that a post office has more to offer a customer than the EBS.

I think the only good thing about the EBS is that they are flexible in their lending in that they will give new buyers - not only FTB'ers more money to borrow (is this good / bad - it possibly has changed now with the financial regulator clamping down)...However for existing customers, their level of service from what I know and what I have read above is appauling...
I know this is covered else where, but what value would they be if they were to demutualise as their service is way too inefficient .....