extension question



Hi we are going to be building a rear extension at rear of our house, we will be keeping within the forty square meters allowed and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is in feet and inchs please thanks.
Hi we are going to be building a rear extension at rear of our house, we will be keeping within the forty square meters allowed and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is in feet and inchs please thanks.
40 sq. metres = 430 sq. ft.

If your extension was going to be 15' wide for example then you would be allowed a depth of 28' - 8" on a single storey extension.

Just be careful with the conditions attached to the exempted development - has house been previously extended, location of windows, height of gables, 12 sq. metres max. size on first floor if your house is terraced or semi d and retention of 25 sq. metres of open space to rear etc
Work has commenced on the extension to the front of the house of our next-door neighbour. (Both our houses are semi-detached). Yesterday, I arrived from work to find the blocks erected on the foundations. Using the paint mark on front of both houses as guideline, it could be noticed that the boundary of the extension has stretched into our side by 70mm / 3 inches. This morning, the front of both houses have been measured, and the result was: Next-door neighbour: 5790mm and our side: 5720mm. This proves my observation that "3 inches from our side had been taken up by the blocks".
The neighbour had given us copies of the plan (though out of date, as modificatoins had been made to the design of the extension) which clearly showed the boundary of the front extension would be within the next-door neighabour's land.
What action should we take? Inform the Planning Office of our Local Authority? We're not keen to go down the legal route, and I'm afraid that our relationship with the neighbours will be affected as a result of the builders erecting blocks "3 inches" too much into our "side" of the land.
Any advice / past experiences of the posters would be vey much appreciated.
can they just remove the bricks and relay correctly or would the entire foundations have to be changed? If they just have to remove bricks surely the builders should do this free since its their error? I'd be on to the planning department of the co.co anyway to get them in on it - if someone hasn't stuck to their plans its their job to sort out. Maybe someone else will say its not enough to worry about though
We've had a word with the foreman this morning and he explained that the base layer of bricks (which extends into our side) is part of the foundations - forming the 'wall' for the concrete to be poured into at a later stage. He marked on the front of the next-door's house where the wall of the extension would be erected, and it's well within the next-door's area. So that's sorted out.
it is the time and place to do this right now!!!..... the more you leave it the less likely it will to be changed and the more likely you will have to go down the legal route.....

as they seem to be building right on the boundary... there are a few issues...
1. have the your written permission to come onto your land to render and paint the walls??
2. how are they constructing the eaves.... have you given them written permission to allow a protruding eaves onto your land??? are they building a parapet???
3. ask for a copy of the conditions of planning so you can check that they are complying....
fair enough, ignore my last post then....

but you still need to give them permission to do any work on your land....
make sure your neighbour signs something to say hes lible if someone under his engagement gets injured while on you rproperty..... get yer ass covered!!