Paris Hilton back in prison

Who cares. Leave her there and throw away the key. Saga is nearly as boring as Big Brother. The money wasted on her should be used to feed some poor hungry children around the world.
did u read that her sister and ex went to visit her and were allowed to "jump" the queue... haha im surprised they werent bopped all over the visiting area..!!
Im slightly interested in this case simply because i wanted to see just what paris and her family will get away with simply because of who they are and the amount of money they`ll invest into the case..

do u really think i`ll be allowed home cause im suffering from some mental problem... money talks money talks!
I think it was so unfair that such a heavy sentence was imposed on her in the first place In this country you have to nearly kill someone to get such a sentence,This fellow here couldn't even get to jail for a month. Anyway she has been offered 50 g a day while in there to keep a diary, not bad, the judge that sent her wont get anything like that, NOW WHO'S THE BIMBO.
Yeah - US judges should stick to [broken link removed] if they want to make big bucks!
I think it was so unfair that such a heavy sentence was imposed on her in the first place In this country you have to nearly kill someone to get such a sentence,
I agree, but you've got to factor in that this happened in the US. The US has the per head in the whole world. They have 686/100,000 people in prison (compared to Ireland 110) up there with such countries as Russia(638), Belarus (554), Kazakhstan (522) and Turkmenistan (489).
Anyway she has been offered 50 g a day while in there to keep a diary, not bad, the judge that sent her wont get anything like that, NOW WHO'S THE BIMBO.

She's going to write a book about her experience in prison. It'll be titled "Birdbrain of Alcatraz"!!
makes a fortune out of acting dumb. ( ok, maybe not a lot of acting involved :) ). made a few bob on that video too so no reason to doubt her ability to make a few bob on this one. anyone get the email with the headline ' Parish Hilton as never seen before' and when you opened it it showed a picture of a Hilton hotel with a backdrop of the Eiffel Tower. very funny.
This is my favourite Paris Hilton story - courtesy of this bloke
In August/September 2006, Banksy replaced up to 500 copies of Paris Hilton's debut CD, Paris, in 48 different UK record stores with his own cover art and remixes by Danger Mouse. Music tracks were given titles such as "Why am I Famous?", "What Have I Done?" and "What Am I For?". Several copies of the CD were purchased by the public before stores were able to remove them, some going on to be sold for as much as £750 on online auction websites such as eBay. The cover art depicted Paris Hilton digitally altered to appear topless. Other pictures feature her with a dog's head replacing her own, and one of her stepping out of a luxury car, edited to include a group of homeless people, which included the caption 90% of success is just showing up.[24][25][26]