Baby feeding time...

my usual typing errors again... excuse - only one hand.

but in all fairness... how long have u been posting?
my usual typing errors again... excuse - only one hand.
What worries me is what you're doing with the other one when pondering my AAM habits? :eek:
but in all fairness... how long have u been posting?
Not sure - since the early days of AAM. Maybe c. 1998-2000? Although not all posts on previous platforms (UBB, ezBoard etc.) are necessarily counted.
(31.96 posts per day)
is too high, as it assumes all the posts were made after the ClubMan user was created on this board.

ClubMan himself admits that this
includes posts made on previous incarnations of AAM.

I think the answer if fairly obvious,

Really? What does that sort of post ratio imply?