The Big Brother Racism Row



One of the contestants Emily was removed from the Big Brother House for saying the word "Nigger" in front of another contestant.

Although I accept that Channel Four had to act in light of the Shilpa /Jade racism complaints, the approval with which the decision has been met seems to me to be an example of political correctness gone too far.

IMO whether the word or expression used is offensive or rascist would depend as much on context or intention as the words used. Emily was dancing with another contestant who is black when she said "You pushing it out you nigger" . It seemed clear that she was trying to be hip and street. It is common and acceptable for black people to call other black people niggers and to use the term to describe themselves as the black contestant Charley had already done on the show. Once Charley pointed out that this was not the case with regards to white people using the word Emily realised that she had made a terrible mistake and apologised repeatedly and profusely. It seems not dissimilar to an occasion on the Late Late last year when Pat Kenny used the word "Paki" because he didn't realise that the term was racially offensive.

The approval with which the decision has been greeted by the media seems to me to be disproportinate and I wonder wherther they themselves are scared of the Political Correctness Police.
The contestant probably said 'nigger' instead of 'nigga'.

(I couldn't really care less either. I don't ever watch telly)
something and nothing.
those 2 braindead folks using rapper jargon - yes thats what i would call the n***** word in this context.
BB had to be seen to move fast or else the probability of loosing more sponsership.
i thought it was inappropriate and she deserved to be taken off the show, the black girl was offended, she tried to pretend it was ok because they were friends but to look at her face she was'nt impressed and she went on about it all night, whether emily was messing or not no-one can go around like that, if it was on the street she would be arrested or beaten up
i thought it was inappropriate and she deserved to be taken off the show, the black girl was offended, she tried to pretend it was ok because they were friends but to look at her face she was'nt impressed and she went on about it all night, whether emily was messing or not no-one can go around like that, if it was on the street she would be arrested or beaten up

Charley or whatever her name is, is an attention seeking young girl. she is constantly looking at the camera and she made such a big deal about what happened after accepting the apology from Emily.. She played up to the cameras and wanted attention from everyone else, she wanted them all to know but made it look like she wanted it dropped and forgotten about. She knew that Emily would be severly punished for it and kept it up all day and up til 3 or 4am when Emily was called in the diary room by BB.

What Emily said was totally out or order and should never be said even by black people themselves in my opinion. It is a horrible word and I personally dont think there is a need for it in any situation.

And its amazing the way that Ziggy was chased around the house in his shorts by nearly all the female contestants trying to remove them, he clearly tried to stop them and they kept at it. If this was the other way around and a group of lads chased a girl around and tried to remove her bra or whatever there would be a serious sexual assault case under way and it would be all over the news !!!
I can t say I've watched that much, but I did think the way the girls behaved with Ziggy trying to pull off his shorts, was way out of line, and I did remark that if it were the other way around that there would have been outrage!
Bound to happen I suppose. Fill a house full of the most obnoxious and offensive people that you can find and they are bound to say offensive things.
and yet people still 'sit in a hoose, watching people sitting in a hoose', as Billy Connolly put it :)
couldn't help but feel it was one big hoaxe by the BB producers

"Oi you, drop the N word in there, you'll get kicked out, we show the UK how unacceptable it is to use that word, whether the recipient was offended or not, we pay you appearance fee, you don't look like a racist cos it was in no way intended in that manner, and added to that we get tonnes and tonnes of good free publicity!"

Should have a read of Ben Elton's book Dead Famous, some of the activities in that book are coming close to been borne out!
Well going by the logic of the show everyone involved in this thread who wrote the word should be banned. it obviously doesnt matter what your intentions were or what your point was ;)
Watch Charley milk this situation. The prospect of newspaper deals/fame etc will make it all worth while for her. The "stripping" of Ziggy was disgraceful and I am surprised that there was "nil" mention of it anywhere. As RonanC said if it were the other way round.....the show would probably have been stopped.
Well going by the logic of the show everyone involved in this thread who wrote the word should be banned. it obviously doesnt matter what your intentions were or what your point was ;)

since when was anthing about big brother logical?