Interesting reading on cults

Not nearly as interesting as your non-existent commentary...
It's amazing how many weak minded people there are who can be taken in by personality cults and cleaned out. If anyone thinks that giving loads of money to some ‘nutter/ nut-job/ fool/ halfwit’ or an organisation founded by same for the enrichment of said ‘nutter/ nut-job/ fool/ halfwit’ will make them a better person (or expel unwanted disembodied souls etc.) then as far as I am concerned they are fair game to be laughed at and ridiculed. I have nothing but contempt for anyone who peddles or consumes these brands of crazy. How's that for comment? :D
Yeah! I mean what is it with all those crazy people following these crazy trends like an addiction to some drug & believing everything they read - the next thing will be them posting stuff on discussion boards on the internet and making a hugh amount of posts on trivial matters.............hey wait a minute:rolleyes:
Yeah! I mean what is it with all those crazy people following these crazy trends like an addiction to some drug & believing everything they read - the next thing will be them posting stuff on discussion boards on the internet and making a hugh amount of posts on trivial matters.............hey wait a minute:rolleyes:
Now how do I make money out of that ... ?
It's amazing how many weak minded people there are who can be taken in by personality cults and cleaned out. If anyone thinks that giving loads of money to some ‘nutter/ nut-job/ fool/ halfwit’ or an organisation founded by same for the enrichment of said ‘nutter/ nut-job/ fool/ halfwit’ will make them a better person (or expel unwanted disembodied souls etc.) then as far as I am concerned they are fair game to be laughed at and ridiculed. I have nothing but contempt for anyone who peddles or consumes these brands of crazy. How's that for comment? :D
That's just your engrams talking. You can get that sorted. For a price.
well I suppose you could set up a discussion board AAS (AskAboutSaviours) & have posters make a donation - in return you will have a word with the higher power that they believe in (God, Allah, Buddah, Sheba, CJH or whoever)..... bound to make loads out of it!
The question is - if one respects religion, where does a cult stop being a cult and become a religion?

If your definition of a cult is that something is a cult if you are supposed to give a significant amount of your money to the religious leader (as in Scientology), Islam also falls under that definition (where 1/5 of the booty taken from the non-believers was to be given to their leader). Would you have the same contempt for Muslims?
The question is - if one respects religion, where does a cult stop being a cult and become a religion?
My approach is not to afford respect to any illogical or mystical beliefs/mumbo jumbo.

Islam also falls under that definition (where 1/5 of the booty taken from the non-believers was to be given to their leader). Would you have the same contempt for Muslims?
Not quite accurate. The giving of alms not the taking of them is one of the pillars of Islam.

Not quite correct there Clubman - there were originally five revenue streams in Islam - Jizyah - taken from the Dimam, Zakat taken from Muslims, and Kharaj land-tax on Dimam, Fay and Ghanima 1/5th of the booty taken from the Kuffar (the Muslim who took the booty being allowed keep the 4/5ths) .

What I am talking about is Ghanima, which was the first revenue stream developed. When the Muslims originally raided caravans and other tribes, 1/5 of the booty was reserved for Mohammed, this later became a significant revenue stream and reason for Jihad.

I also remembered that in Mormonism, 1/10th of their income goes to their church - not too sure if that goes all the way back to Joseph Smith though.

You are correct about the pillars of Islam btw - Zakat forms one of the pillars.
well I suppose you could set up a discussion board AAS (AskAboutSaviours) & have posters make a donation - in return you will have a word with the higher power that they believe in (God, Allah, Buddah, Sheba, CJH or whoever)..... bound to make loads out of it!
It's [broken link removed] than that... :D
How small does a political party have to become before its reclassified as a cult ;) ?
And if these parties have their candidates coming from rich families how long till we end up like this ;)

[Offshoot of original link]
That's just your engrams talking. You can get that sorted. For a price.
Don't start trying to subvert me, you need to get yourself Audited mate so you can get yourself clear. If you do get clear the good news is that you don't have to worry about getting sick as (from here ) "Hubbard stated that as many as seventy percent of physical illnesses are psychosomatic and can be cured by Dianetics, including asthma, poor eyesight, color blindness, hearing deficiencies, stuttering, allergies, sinusitis, arthritis, high blood pressure, coronary trouble, dermatitis, ulcers, migraine, conjunctivitis, morning sickness, alcoholism, tuberculosis and the common cold, to which Clears would be immune."
Sounds too good to be true, eh? ;)
I worked for a company run by Scientologists years ago and they underhandedly sent us on a "business training course" that was run by WISE. Gas stuff. Never got a go on the e-meter though because I left as soon as I realised what was going on. It was worth going to see the look on the instructors' faces when I kept asking them what the numbers on the tone scale actually meant. Total BS. Reminded me of going to mass as a kid.
The question is - if one respects religion, where does a cult stop being a cult and become a religion?

All religions are cults. But I respect your right to believe in them ;)

but to answer your question i suppose if you believe that you're religion is the only true one (which religious people must or else they would belong to more than one religion) then you would have to assume that every other religious is just nonsense and is a cult?
And the Muslims cry "infidel!"
And the Christians yell "heathen!"
And the Jews shout "goy!"
..........and then they all go and kill each other, feeling perfectly justified.

No, I don't really respect your right to believe in whatever-it-is.

Because the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the only true god...........;)