Prime Time: Trevor Sargent - Greener than green?

I don't believe it for one minute - if it were true, why, would sinn fein's core vote come from inner city area's??

Could it have anything to do with a traditionally higher crime rate in these areas and the suggestion of a particular brand of 'justice' from certain quarters?
A previous poster mentioned reports by Paul Reynolds. If I'm not mistaken, Paul Reynolds is the RTE Crime Correspondent. Paul Williams is the Sunday World Crime Correspondent who has on a number of occasions listed, in some detail if I may say so, the activities of various gangs. He also describes links between 'straightforward' criminals and the IRA. Such links were highlighted by Paul Williams on Liveline and the radio interview can be heard on the Sunday World website.

Glenbhoy has put forward two positions: he does not believe allegations of crime on the part of Sinn Fein, and if the crimes occurred, why do Sinn Fein receive votes?

Glebhoy, Paul Williams is, I believe, an honest reporter. He has frequently stated he is not a member of a political party, and I understand from listening to him on the occassional radio show he has regularly argued with various Ministers for Justice. It may (or may not) be worthwhile scepticism not to believe everything Micahel McDowell says - but do you believe Paul Williams?

The Sunday world is a Tabloid infotainmentpaper. Williams will argue with anyone to make 'news.' I always discount 'news' in a Tabloid using the reporters love of publicity, extra book sales and the public eye.
For this reason and the fact I havent read the Sunday World for years, mention of Williams isnt enough to convince me that Sinn fein has profited from young kids in their constituencies shooting poison into their veins . The notion is absurd and preposterous and if this was true I doubt the peace process would have come on as far as it has.
My biggest problem is not the drugs issue (because I can see people are motivated to make things up) but the Jerry McCabe issue which has been thoroughly documented in the light of day.

Theres links between criminals and every party and the issue of past criminal connections is obvious to me. However the issue I am looking to have answered is not one of 'crime' but one of 'drugs.'
When I see allegations about anyone, I hunger for proof. Where is it ?
Could it have anything to do with a traditionally higher crime rate in these areas and the suggestion of a particular brand of 'justice' from certain quarters?
It might be you know!! But does that not add futher weight to my argument??
It might be you know!! But does that not add futher weight to my argument??

Not really. Do you really think these people are above duplicity like this?

As long as they are seen to be protectors of a community they can act with impunity in many other ways. You seem to accept involvement in other illegal activities for financial gain - I believe things like protection & extortion have been mentioned? Why not the most lucrative trade in the world?

I'm not suggesting that members go around personally selling the stuff or stashing it but that doesn't mean they don't profit from the situation.

Go around most large 'problem estates' in cities or larger towns and you will see these people established as protectors of the community. As long as a few scumbags get 'expelled' every now and again and they continue to give out about the evils of drugs, they'll get votes in these areas.
I don't know about his holiday home, but I've seen the house that Gerry Adams own on the Falls Road. It's nothing special. I'm sure he can easily afford a Donegal holiday home on the money he's made from his best sellers.
When I see allegations about anyone, I hunger for proof. Where is it ?

Proof is very easy to obtain but I doubt it will be palatable. You could go into business dealing drugs in any of a few choice areas around the city. It will soon become clear who you have to pay if you wish to stay in business.
I'm not on the side of any party . I am however on the side of truth .

Proof is very easy to obtain but I doubt it will be palatable. You could go into business dealing drugs in any of a few choice areas around the city. It will soon become clear who you have to pay if you wish to stay in business.

So this is how you got proof ? :eek:
I doubt you have any proof or else you dont need proof in this case but have taken the word of special interests which would twist you any way which suits them.
Especially when the matter doesnt affect any of your financial decisions, they are an easy target and who cares about the truth right ?

Another point is with someone like McDowell in charge who hates them I doubt he would let anyone off the hook if he had proof of this.
To put this issue to rest for myself , I would also like to hear what someone like Tony Gregory would have to say regarding the issue of drugs in these constituencies. I guess Ill start googling !!!